--print(CurrentPosition.X, PossibleMove.X, "starting X value")
for i = CurrentPosition.X + Delta, PossibleMove.X, Delta do
print(i, "X VALUE")
--print(CurrentPosition.Y, PossibleMove.Y, "starting Y value")
for i = CurrentPosition.Y + Delta, PossibleMove.Y, Delta do
print(i, "Y VALUE")
Im trying to make a vector2
the loops repeat multiple times
the top loop gets the x value’s and bottom gets the y value’s
it loops through the x’s first and the y’s second
I cant think of how to put the Proper x and y value together as theyre seperated
for example i’d want it to be vector2.new(2.,4) and vector2.new(3,4) instead of them being sdeperated
Pls lmk if needs more explaining