Studio always captures shortcuts when tools are equipped, ignoring game focus setting

Reproduction Steps

  1. Uncheck “Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus” setting in File > Studio Settings > Studio > Advanced
  2. Enter Local Server (F7) - other test modes may also work
  3. Equip a tool
  4. Press Esc to open the main menu

Expected Behavior
I expect all inputs to be sunk by the game in the test window with the “Respect Studio shortcuts” setting unchecked - pressing Esc should bring up the main menu unless I have explicitly placed focus on Studio’s menus.

Actual Behavior
Studio sinks shortcut inputs instead if I have a tool equipped - unequipping the tool and pressing Esc bring up the main menu again, as expected. I also noticed pressing Shift+2 (sprint + equip/unequip secondary) disengages inputs from the game until I click to bring focus back to it, as Studio has this as a shortcut for setting a custom grid size increment.

The only workaround I have for this is to unassign the conflicting shortcuts, which isn’t ideal.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


Sorry for being late to this. We’ll take a look at this now.

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AFAICT this is no longer occurring. Example - with the box unchecked and running Play Solo, “Shift-F5” is taken by the game and nothing occurs. With the box checked and the game focused, Shift+F5 will stop the play session. Please let us know if this still occurs.

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