Studio Assistant spelling errors

I’ve never had a problem before with the studio Assistant until this past update, any script it tries to make will contain several spelling errors when naming variables, writing directories or functions causing several errors in the script.

-- Find the Arm part and its HingeConstraint
local arm = script.ParentArm
local hingeConstraint = arm and arm:FindFirstChild("HingeConstraint")

-- Find the DiagBox part and its ProximityPrompt
local diagBox = script.ParentDiagBox
local proximityPrompt = diagBox and diagBox:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")

if hingeConstraint and proximity then
    -- Function to change the target angle
    local function setTargetAngle(angle)
        hingeConstraintargetAngle = angle

    -- Function to handle the angle change logic
    local function changeAngle()
        -- Set the target angle to 0 degrees

        -- Set the target angle back to 90

    -- Connect the proximity prompt activation event to the angle change logic
    warn("HingeConstraint or ProximityPrompt not found")

Telling it it has a typo makes it change the script to this:

-- Find the Arm part and its HingeConstraint
local arm = script.Parent.Arm
local hingeConstraint = arm and arm:FindFirstChild("HingeConstraint")

-- Find the DiagBox part and its ProximityPrompt
local diagBox = script.Parent.DiagBox
local proximityPrompt = diagBox and diagBox:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")

if hingeConstraint and proximityPrompt then
    -- Function to change the target angle    local function setTargetAngle(angle)        hingeConstraint.TargetAngle = angle    end    -- Function to handle the angle change logic    local function changeAngle()        -- Set the target angle to 0 degrees        setTargetAngle(0)        task.wait(5)

        -- Set the target angle back to 90        setTargetAngle(90)    end    -- Connect the proximity prompt activation event to the angle change logic    proximityPrompt.Triggered:Connect(function()        changeAngle()    end)
else    warn("HingeConstraint or ProximityPrompt not found")

thats why i just write code manually unless im completely stuck as for what im to do

would try keep code human written so you have a better time with debugging or making edits since you knowll the code

even if im at the last resort of using ai i just go to deepseek or chatgpt and ask how to do smtn rather than ask it to straight up give me the code so i can eventually figure it out myself

use claude its much better and its doesnt sell your data to chinese goverment

I do write my own, but I’m still new to scripting and use it as a reference to see how it can be organized properly and different methods to prevent me from making unnecessary endless ifs and fors.
It was just odd how it went from working so great to this past update and now just writing errors upon errors.
Which really sucks cause it was teaching me how to write scripts for data store services.

Also, wrong reply person. Sorry!

I do, do that. I mostly use the AI assistant to help me learn new ways to script because I’m still a noob at the more intermediate stuff.
It was just helpful cause even if it written a error, you can tell it that and it will re read the code and find the error and explain why and how to fix it.