[Studio Beta] Avatar Joint Upgrade: Enabling Physically-Simulated Characters

Oh great, two weeks after I spent hours working on a ragdoll system and Roblox does it themselves and the update breaks my system. Fun. :D…

Nah, I’m joking, nice update Roblox. It really helps with the Ragdoll problems I used to have…

(nvm, i tested it and some of the problems that i used to have are actually defaults for the update, its buggy. but with future bug fixes it would probably work well :] but for now I’d only recommend it for a simple ragdoll effect and nothing for games that depend on ragdolls like mine.)

yoooo no way lets go
me try this out soon

Would we be able to use this with IK Controllers as well? (Example: character’s head uses IKControl to LookAt certain cframe, but the animationcontroller limits torque applied, creating a ragdoll effect)

(Tried testing this out, and it kind of gives off an effect)

This is awesome!!! Is there a way to enable it for live experiences? it doesn’t seem to work on my place when I published it, only in studio

quite literally.

characters limit is so silly.


I’m at a loss here, been trying to see if this new feature works, and for some weird reason it doesn’t.
I have enabled the beta feature, hell even dragged some scripts from the demo they’ve provided but still nothing, not sure if I’m missing anything. I really do enjoy messing with it on the
demo place.

IT was working, apparently, check F9 and noticed it was all running well, I should have checked that first lol. But it’s not acting in the similar fashion as the demo place’s, while ragdoll at high speeds work fine and dandy, something feels off.

Ok, figured out everything. We good now :slight_smile:

The fact that it’s enabled in live mode for the demo place got me confused, so I thought there was a way to enable it on my side as well

I guess I will be waiting for phase 1 then, when the feature exits studio beta

Likely Coordinate, like in CFrame.

RAGDOLL ENGINE? thank you roblox