Studio Beta: CSG Has a New Engine - Vroom, Vroom, Vroom!

what is CSG I don’t know what it stands for so if anyone can tell me that would be great.

Constructive solid geometry.

Essentially what allows unions and negations in Studio.


oh that makes a lot more sense thanks :grinning:

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Hi there, would you mind sharing with us the parts with which you have some issues when doing an union? You can send them to me by direct message. :smiley:

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Hi, can you send a copy of the place you’re working on with the parts you want to union? We’d like to have a look and fix any issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, can you check you’re not trying to union any SpecialMesh? These are not supposed to be supported and there’s a bug that can make the system crash rather than report the correct error. Sorry for that, we’re working on it.


Amazing News! For me and many other transport developers who use CSG to model buses, trains or trams this will be amazing!

Just one question, has the problem been fixed, which displaces the unions a bit? It’s shown here.


Will they be supported later on?
Currently there isn’t really an easy to make a cone with CSG other than chopping up a “Ball” SpecialMesh.

I’d like to see special meshes supported, because I use special mesh spheres to stretch and union to create cool shapes really quickly.

I can confirm that I am only trying to union unions.

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Impressive speed so far, however, I have noticed a few issues regarding custom texturing, they apply incorrectly and weird shading appears.image


Please ensure specialmesh can be used. I don’t expect filemesh, but spheres are absolutely mandatory.


Hi there, unfortunately CSG operation displacement issue is still present. We are aware of it, and are working on it.

We plan to expand the type of meshes you can use for CSG operations. This new CSG engine is the first step towards more functionality and performance. Once we have ironed out the stability issues and have gone out of beta, we will start building on top of that engine.

Hi, can you share your example with me (send it by direct message)? I am interested in looking at this issue and hopefully fixing it. Thanks

It appears that this update has really broken the unioning functions (for me at least). I try to union other unions together? Crashes. I try to union a negate to something? Crashes. I try to even separate a union or negate? Crashes.

Can you send me in DM a copy of that place / model? Thanks

Sorry to hear that. Can you send a few examples of your tries? We will investigate these issues and hopefully fix them.

Will the new system have backwards compatibility with CSG v1? As CSG v2 in some cases fails to properly separate/modify parts made with CSG v1

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CSG v3 can cause studio to crash immediately with a simple union operation between 4 ordinary parts. This crash only occurs in a fresh baseplate for whatever reason, whereas in my development game, studio does not crash but errors with:

“Something went wrong. CSG returned error code -3. Please file a bug report, preferably with a file containing the problematic object(s).”

Crash with beta enabled: (40)

No crash with beta disabled (CSG v2): (41)

crash repo.rbxl (28.4 KB)

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