Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

I agree with most of the criticisms above. However, since we are thinking about changing the core UI, I think it would be valuable to express what I would like to see:

  • More functional customization options for core UI would be greatly appreciated. Even if I don’t like that expandable menu and the fact that you can’t disable it, the ability to add custom buttons to it is a step in the right direction.

  • More visual customization for core UI would be a massive improvement and allow for much more creativity and styling. Currently you either have to design your UI to fit the roblox core UI, or you just have to deal with your UI looking vastly different from the core UI. The current situation is especially bad if you want to design a UI that isn’t boring, flat and “modern”. For example, some developers might want to make a pixel-art styled UI, or an intricately detailed one like what’s in games like World of Warcraft.

Overall I think major, breaking changes like these should serve a good purpose, rather than just change for the sake of novelty. I don’t think that mobile ergonomics is a good enough excuse for these changes that effect all platforms.

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In my game CharacterAutoLoads is set to false, which causes loading screen to get stuck in this state, and it never gets hidden, which is obviously absolutely game breaking


I think overall this change is going to be turbulent at the beginning while games update their UI to match the new design, however it overall is going to be a good change. The chat being tucked away is not something I’m a huge fan of, however I get it since on mobile it is a huge space waste for a single action. It can be easily re-added for desktop players if you want to (which is what I’m going to do since my game is desktop only)

It would be smart if games that haven’t been updated in a while (most likely have been abandoned and therefore should be preserved) didn’t receive breaking changes like this, though I’m not entirely sure how good of an idea having two actively supported versions of the topbar would be.

I spent some time trying to figure out how to merge this into my game, and I came up with this: feel free to take inspiration. This uses frames behind the buttons to tint the colors of them and the new TopBarInset to adapt to the size changes. Really happy with the outcome


You did a beautiful job merging with the Experience Controls. You are a talented designer and really make it work for your experience.

I have to speak on this though:

It would be a tragedy for all experiences on Roblox to conform to a single UI style/design. This problem becomes more apparent and less avoidable with every new element that cannot be disabled.


Hi @BackspaceRGB, thanks for flagging! Just a heads up that the Roblox reserve space may vary based on device and screen size. However we are working to add back the 4px padding. This will be rolling out soon.


Hey @7kayoh, thanks for flagging! Just a heads up that the Roblox reserve space may vary based on device and screen size. However we are working to add back the 4px padding. This will be rolling out soon.


@rinyafii Really cool example :sunglasses: ! Thanks for your detailed feedback. We’re aware of the challenges updates like this can pose for older experiences and are exploring solutions. Stay tuned


Would it be possible to rollout the TopBarInset value in GuiService first? We want to migrate the update smoothly. We have remade our own custom top bar to comply with the new design and it is being used in current games too, just that it is with the old skin.

With the TopBarInset being rolled out, we can easily switch between the new HUD and the old HUD (the one using right now) with an if statement checking if the Inset matches the new top bar or the old top bar.

Kinda wished if there is a way to check if a feature has been enabled (i.e. FFlags check) to be fair. Would make things like this smoother to deal with.


i have was be bussy with it and made this for my interface left the same menu as right but i have left a menu with the chat and my buttons and right be the roblox buttons i will made that the chat be left working is and disable the chat right then i have the chat left

Let me know what you find from this and @7kayoh it’s the same as you I was made this and then I aniuce it here I saw yours I find this really cool

And I will know where sal a set the nine dots menu

  • Middle
  • Under chat
  • Under bar
  • Right
  • Middle above
  • Other let me know

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Would rather keep UI buttons such as Settings or something else, to be kept in the topbar to one, be out of the way, and two, to look good and consistent. That becomes a lot harder now. You can’t just change the look because that cube menu button thingy comes out and there’s no way to detect when it’s open.

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i love that design so much thank you. i’m gonna make a design like this in my game. thank you for the inspiration :heart_on_fire:


You have a point. I wish there was a native function to add something to the top bar instead of positioning it ourselves.

This is a major disruption for many games that use frames for casting bullets due to incorperating both fps and tps gameplay, having to re-adjust hundreds of offsets for viewmodels is not fun, especially if updates like these continuously receive updates forcing us to re-adjust them everytime you guys change something. This update makes us re-adjust every offset for releases on the current game with the old Top-Bar and incorporate new offsets for the new one which isn’t even final yet.



Notice how the shots are going right above the dummies head?
This update also breaks all simulations of holosights using :pointToObjectSpace and the camera, this also forces us to add offsets to those too.



Please revert this change of the pixel count or provide us a permanent option to opt-out.


You guys took something simple and clean, and (somewhat) overcomplicated it… why?!


I feel like half the updates the UI team at this company produces are just made for the sake of updating something rather than genuinely improving the user experience.

The current controls are already a decent size for tapping on, divide the Roblox and game controls perfectly, and still allow you to use the controls while your hand is on the thumbstick. (It’s just that the 3-dot menu is coded in such a way that prevents you from moving while it is open.)

The only issue with the current menu is that the voice and camera controls are above the player’s head, which could easily be fixed like this:

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.


How you made it I needed it but I can’t make a button open the chat so I made a custom chat but it’s not properly working so how made a char button open chat

So, I’ve been checking out all the buzz around the new topbar design, and it seems like not everyone is on board with it. Change can be a bit a tough sometimes but personally, I’m all about mixing things up, and I’ve got to say, I’m loving this new topbar design that ROBLOX has rolled out.

Let’s be real, the old topbars were starting to feel a bit, well, old. This new look tho it’s like a breath of fresh air. It’s got this modern, sleek vibe that’s totally in line with what’s hot in design these days.

I even got a little creative and tweaked my custom topbar buttons to match this new style. And you know what? I’m loving the way it all comes together. It’s like peanut butter and jelly, a perfect combo.

What do you think of this new topbar?


In terms of the new experience controls, I think it looks fresh, people will complain, but they will get used to it after a short period of time. Although, the cube icon at the top right is a bit “out of place”, something more sleek like 9 dots, or a settings cog will fit better (in my opinion)

As long as we can use :SetCoreGuiEnabled() to disable the 9-dot menu, I really don’t see much to complain about.

I’m sure games aren’t going to completely break because an icon got bigger by 10-20 pixels.

guys i fixed the UI its ok now