Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

Roblox tends to make the game highly customizable, here’s the reason why it should be developer-friendly.

Nice! I just wonder if it’ll be better to modify TBP though.

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Every time I open the report page (in the new menu) my Roblox Studio crashes.
Roblox Crash 8_30_2023 5_31_23 PM

Can you PLEASE add support to move the Chat button back to the top left, next to the Roblox icon??

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where do you place the module?

I completely agree with you. As the chat system is an extremely, critical part of communication, it’s a complete nonsense to make it harder to navigate to the chat.

It should really be changed up and moved right next to the Roblox icon, as it used to be.


at this point they should just put the settings ui in a different gui in coregui and just enable IgnoreGUIinset

please roblox i beg of you trust me you won’t regret it
kinda like how:

1 - we can choose between using new avatars or r15 or r6
2 - we can choose which chat we want, legacy or new, or just make our own.

these are good options, DO NOT FORCE THIS ON US. KEEP IT OPTIONAL. thank you for considering :heart:


does anyone know the transparency of the icon backgrounds so i can make it match my buttons ?

Congratulations, you’ve just broke many game’s weapon crosshairs. Sure its fine if the developer is still active and can fix it, but now that you’ve extended the pixel count, you’ve effectively offset a lot of custom crosshairs by several pixels.

Edit: Example of what I mean (using my own game as reference)

Mouse cursor:

Custom crosshair position: (expected the old pixel offset and thus corrected it)
Notice how its notably higher than before. This might not seem like a huge deal in this screenshot, but when aiming at anything a substantial distance away (>50 studs) it’s a HORRIBLE offset that can majorly mess with player’s aim.


I think this update is really neat, adding custom buttons seems great idea, but also I have an idea, why don’t you allow us to customize how roblox menus look entirely? Like, our images, sound effects, custom positions and sizes, and buttons that can be added and programmed? Like in this example:

normal gameplay

customized settings

toolbar not holding item

toolbar holding item

a playergui screengui

This will really expand customizability of each experience, because we can for example add a new tab or update existing one or let’s say we remove settings tab in roblox’s settings and integrate it safely into developer’s created game settings, it will make it easier for players to find settings.

Roblox, I hope you take this idea into consideration because I am making a game that is supposed to be nostalgic in which this idea will come in handy, really. My hand made 2014 UI would fit my game perfectly. Thank you. If this is wrong place to write ideas, let me know and I’ll move this to another category ASAP.

I also want Ray/Path Tracing + Detailed settings cuz yes.


There is a bug that makes your screen stay darker / grey when you reset too fast. If you use the keybinds to reset really fast (Click Esc → R → Enter really quick) then the screen will stay darker than usual until you open and close the menu again, heres a example:


This change leaves a lot of UI developers at a significant loss. While I love the design look and feel, the new core UI now forces developers to work around the style of the core UI rather than being able to create their own styles.

I also firmly believe that any UI positioning in the upper right is now pointless as the new UI covers it up. This is a disastrous update and needs to be reverted.


I have found this same issue. I also have not been able to reset it and it stays on the screen. :rage:

it is not currently disable-able using Enum.CoreGuiType.All


Honestly, would like this UI back so hard. It looks neat, and apart from the camera controls and the oddly placed record button, this seems fine. I’d say this would work on mobile too, since all the controls you need are at the bottom of the screen, where your thumbs normally would be. However, of course, ROBLOX wants to be modern, so this is likely never going to come.

I’m really hoping they don’t deprecate the old button styles though, the red outlined buttons look awesome when you match it with this UI.

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While the UI looks great (kinda), I hate that it takes up more space than the previous one. I do prefer the old style more, since they fit more with the rest of the UI elements.

What’s really annoying though is that it will mess with my UI positioning. I hate having to update my UI just because Roblox changed something that I most likely probably wouldn’t care about. What’s the point?

The original chat position was way better, as it was quick to access. It just doesn’t seem right for it to be on the right of the screen.

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  • a bit too large for my liking,
  • the black border is opaque when it used to be semi-transparent which made the end result look more like a dark grey background.
  • the least used button (report) is the only persistent button that can’t be hidden when the menu is expanded.

I hope the final release will include semi transparency.


this might be just me but i think its too round and looks too ugly

EDIT: why did it automaticlly reply to @Sir_Highness


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