Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

I’m not sure what you’re doing but TopbarInset is 58 on desktop and 52 on mobile for me.

so much headache ah

why is this automatically in my game but not in my studio but my beta feature is off but if its no longer beta it should not be in the beta llist and it should appear in studio by default but my studio is using the old ui with the beta off but then whats the point aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


PLEASE give us the option to disable this, it would make UI design so much easier


yep and the padding between the buttons is also different on different devices and the api doesn’t account for padding


see theres less space between the cheezit and the box button, btw no offense to the icon designs i actually like them

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The amount of pixels between the top of the screen (vertically) and between each button (horizontally) is the same, but it varies per platform.
This space can be calculated with (Y inset) - 46 to align your UI.



The space to the left of the Roblox button is always 16 pixels on both desktop and mobile.


I already managed to calculate the space with some calculations similar to yours, but I find the distance being different depending on the device weird. However if we had desktop distance on mobile, the topbar would take slightly too much space.

thanks so much. how do i get the Y inset and why would it be -46 wouldn’t that position it so far to the left you can’t see it?

You can get the inset with GuiService:GetGuiInset() or GuiService.TopbarInset. For some reason, TopbarInset is initially 0, so if you need it immediately then you can use GetGuiInset.

Just for reference, here’s the code I’m currently using in this place. This is all assuming your buttons originate from the top-left corner of the screen. I’m not using TopbarSafeInsets here.

You subtract 46 from the inset because the height of each button is 44 pixels, plus 2 extra pixels of padding at the bottom.
This would give us 12 on desktop and 6 on mobile, based on insets of 58 (desktop) and 52 (mobile).


And it wouldn’t position it to the “left” when we’re subtracting from the Y axis…


The best way to fix the is disabling The coreguisets

:exclamation:Please add the ability to disable Self-View in core gui.

My game is first person and designed specifically so that you can’t see the character.
Another of my games utilizes mirrors as a game mechanic when you want to see the character.

Self-view is awkward, ruining the experience, and generally unnecessary as a Core gui. It’s a convenience that should be optional for developers, enabled by default, but not forced.

Forced UI is understandable for reporting perhaps, but a forced selfie stick for all games regardless of the game type?
That is a bit silly, no?

Additional context:

I had it disabled before but apparently now my experience prints in the logs that it cannot be set with SetCoreGuiEnabled. Meaning someone went out of their way to force it to be enabled regardless of the experience type, character type, or game type.

If I am mistaken and there is a new way to disable Self-View please educate me, otherwise please address this issue.

Thank you. :bowing_woman:t2:


This got changed very recently, this seems like a bug. Can you submit a bug report?

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hey roblox, so you know how we have these 4 apis

local guiservice = game:GetService("GuiService")
1 - local width = guiservice.TopbarInset.Width
2 - local height = guiservice.TopbarInset.Height
3 - local top_left = guiservice.TopbarInset.Min
4 - local bottom_right = guiservice.TopbarInset.Max

can we get a 5th one please? it would give us the value of the spacing between the buttons so that our buttons can be positioned to match

5 - local spacing = guiservice.TopbarInset.ButtonSpacing -- can you guys add this to the api

i know the spacing is different for mobile and computer and im not sure what the spacing for xbox or playstation would be so this would be great. thanks for considering !
Screen Shot 2023-12-05 at 9.46.28 PM

also im sorry i posted this under both the announcements but i didn’t know which one, if any, that you guys were scanning for feedback


This UI isn’t available on consoles yet

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ya i know but i mean for the future. it says they will come at a later date and so when it does come it would be nice if our ui would be able to adapt


I’m genuinely so confused, it seems I was one of the “lucky people” to receive beta access in-game I guess maybe!? The new Experience Controls are incompatible with most popular roblox games and block a lot of content. How can I disable it!?

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Get a FFlag Editor and set “FFlagEnableInGameMenuChromeABTest” to “False” if you want to get rid of it.


i actually liked it on pc (i hate pressing a button on a different side to open the backpack or to close leaderboard on mobile) now I GOT THE OLD BAR AGAIN WHAT THE HECK MAN

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Please fix the terrible Roblox logo resolution and maybe try and find a different animation for it. The current one is very weird, has delays and overall just looks terrible. At first I thought it was bugged, but updates later, it’s still the same which means this is how its meant to look :sob::sob::sob:.


Can we please just have a way to hide the menu entirely? It serves 0 purpose other than to take up space and be an eyesore.

This feature is now available to all creators by default in Studio. You no longer need to opt-in to the beta in Studio to test this feature. As a reminder, this feature is only developer-facing for now and only visible within the Roblox studio.

Try it out and let us know what you think!