Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

The topbar is too big, please make it 36px tall again. And also please, put the inventory button next to the chat icon just like in 2019 and before. It is very annoying to do this much clicks just to open the inventory (atleast for me), and then to toggle it off on mobile devices.

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What did you script to do it? I’ve tried any help!

Put a script in ReplicatedFirst that deletes PlayerScripts
it only works on the new UI though and it deletes playerscripts obviously

Oh, makes more sense now. Wonder if they are planning on not allowing it…

Well the explicitly unpatched it (it originally worked with the old UI until the new loading screen) but now i think that was an accident

Isn’t the following a kind of a pointless layout to be testing?
Screen Recording 2024-07-20 140703

I do like the new look, although I am sad to see the old one go. :cry: