Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

not bad

what I will say is how the background colors for the new controls aren’t consistent with everything else like the backpack, should be improved
also this’ll likely take some work to adapt to for developers with UIs on top

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I like the visual direction Roblox is going in with the dark theme because it’s not very intrusive, however, while those touch targets are great UX for mobile devices, they might be too big on a desktop. Also, everything is rectangular with curved edges, why are these circular?

I come from iOS development and the minimum touch target is 44px, so not sure why these are so big. I know targets for VR are supposed to be bigger but that shouldn’t influence every device.

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please. do not make the inset 58 pixels


Since mobile users can still access the menu completely fine (i have observed) my comprimise would be to just use this on phones and keep the other one (with fully rounded corners for consistency) on tablets and computers. May be extra work for developers but should be no problem when the big packages like TopBarPlus support it. Because of Roblox adding new functions to make getting the size of the TopBar way easier, it’s honestly a no-brainer. And also add the chat button back for those devices too, why did they remove that anyway?


make this one exclusive to phones, make smaller one for other devices and round off corners for consistency.

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If Roblox actually went through with this menu redesign, they would likely redesign the hint buttons to look something like this:


There small typo in name

sAfTy InStEaD sAfEtY :nerd_face::point_up:


They fixed name!


yeah thats true, may i see whats in the trust and sAfTy :nerd_face: ?


em, they even wrote the trust and safety right but not the gui :sob:
look please.


Making a StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.NineDotMenu, false) and a StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.RightMenu, false) would be helpful for UI developers.
There is no need to make the chat button in the right menu.


New UI looks very clean, like the ability to pin the emotes and inventory buttons in a way. Those buttons used to feel very hidden before. Still needs some work, mainly with proportions, but overall great start!

I hope to see the microphone button replaced with its old counterpart and the camera button above the head removed as a whole.

I feel it is unnecessary to have the camera button above our heads while it’s easily accessible in the top bar.


That hamburger menu looks way too big for desktop.


Me gusta el cambio, se ve muy bien el diseñado y todo lo demas. Que buen trabajo la verdad.

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Man can only wonder when they add the option to bind the mic to a key for experiences.

There’s an odd spacing between the top of my viewport when pressing escape, did you forget to change the 36px to 58?


I think this would be a lot of work but what would be nice is if you could customize the look of the UI to fit your game.

I doubt this would happen, for the sake of Roblox’s consistency, but I’d definitely make use of it.

Either way, I really like the change!

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I’ve got my quarrels, but I think this is a great change for general UX and DX. It’s always nice to have more consistency and easier API when it comes to user interfaces.

Now, for my quarrels:

  • I really don’t like the circular buttons, I feel like rounded square buttons are the typical style Roblox goes for everywhere else and in my opinion it just looks better.
  • I think having the toggle chat icon hidden away is going to be a bit annoying since I typically prefer to have it closed; I also don’t know how unread messages will work with it (haven’t publicly tested it myself).

Overall, I’m excited to see what it’s like by the end of the beta

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Why cant we hide the top right button? All it using the same code to disable the chat does right now is to make the Buttons that were disabled not usable, which is confusing for new players, which counters this entire update. Please let us disable the button.

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This needs to be disabled for VR experiences, since the VR menu bar is already at the bottom of the screen. Is there any plan to replace that bar with something similar (and let the creator define the location it appears), so that the menu bar doesn’t get in the way of user actions as it does today? Can the bar be hidden/shown by an experience, so that it does not interfere with UI overlays? We currently can remove the topbar menu completely, but not enable it again once its been removed.



It fires the same event as ContextActionService does for the “Tab” key

local function toggleInv(actionName:string,UserInputState:Enum.UserInputState,Input:InputObject)

local actions = {
	["toggleInventory"] = {
		UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard,
		KeyCode = Enum.KeyCode.Tab,
		actionName = "toggleInventory",
		callback = toggleInv,

for actionName, actionData in pairs(actions) do
	local keyToBindTo = actionData.UserInputType :: Enum.UserInputType | Enum.KeyCode
	if keyToBindTo == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
		keyToBindTo = actionData.KeyCode

	cas:BindAction(actionName, actionData.callback, false, keyToBindTo)

My current fix: if UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Cancel then return end
for whatever reason it fires the Tab key in CAS and uses the inputstate cancel


“Maximum event re-entrancy depth exceeded for BindableEvent.Event” error when in-game settings fullscreen toggle is used

i have a custom chat and have the roblox one disabled but it still shows the show hide chat button in the menu. can there be a way to hide this? thank you for considering !