Studio Beta for Experience Controls Available Now

REPORT: Attempt to index nil with ‘Enabled’ error in log when running in VR experience (Meta Quest2). (Related to Trust & Safety module)
Error log:
14:22:56.963 CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub:3099: attempt to index nil with ‘Enabled’ - Client - SettingsHub:3099
14:22:56.963 Stack Begin - Studio
14:22:56.964 Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub’, Line 3099 - function HideShield - CoreScript - SettingsHub:3099
14:22:56.964 Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub’, Line 3117 - function enableVR - CoreScript - SettingsHub:3117
14:22:56.964 Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub’, Line 3160 - function CreateSettingsHub - CoreScript - SettingsHub:3160
14:22:56.964 Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub’, Line 3397 - CoreScript - SettingsHub:3397
14:22:56.964 Stack End - Studio
14:22:56.964 Requested module experienced an error while loading - Client - TrustAndSafety:24
14:22:56.964 Stack Begin - Studio
14:22:56.964 Script ‘CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Chrome.Integrations.TrustAndSafety’, Line 24 - CoreScript - TrustAndSafety:24
14:22:56.964 Stack End - Studio

UPDATE: I re-read the original post and this beta is clearly for mobile and desktop devices atm. Anyway, this message still appears when you run with the beta feature enabled with VR.

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It says it on the first part lol


yes i fully agree. it looks like one of those poorly planned out uis


Isn’t the current menu already at the top of the screen? If anything this new update takes up more space than the current menu. Also, practically all of the controls in the new MRU menu could’ve just been kept on the actual topbar or in the Roblox menu.

And this is just my opinion but I don’t like how the buttons are now full circles instead of rounded corners like the rest of the UI


i think it’s actually 48 not 58 ?


Can you already implement GuiService.TopbarInset property to all devices? I’m trying to use it but it breaks my game on the current client version


That’s what I thought and what I got by printing GuiService.TopbarInset, they made a typo saying it’s 58


I’m even more glad I don’t use ROBLOX anymore after seeing this.
The UI modernisation in 2015 was bad, but not that bad. In 2020, the topbar was redesigned to be fully transparent and the icons were changed to worse ones, as well as the overall number of icons being smaller.
Now, we’re getting this trash and it’s going to completely destroy the UI in older games, just like the topbar updates in 2015 and 2020. It makes all the buttons unnecessarily difficult to use, and the leaderboard doesn’t even fit anymore!
The people at ROBLOX are just dumbing down the UI for new players and mobile users at this point.
And what aggravates me the most at that people AGREE with these horrid changes, because they don’t seem to understand what ROBLOX was actually about in the first place.


What bothers me is that they have corners in the first place instead of just being white line icons on a solid transparent rectangle like the 2015-2019 topbar.


This new adaptive UI seems pretty good! It will definitely improve user interaction and integrate efficient, modern infrastructure into every Roblox experience.

When I tested this out in Roblox Studio, I couldn’t help but wonder, do these interfaces have IgnoreGuiInset enabled? I don’t know if it’s just my device but everything is just a bit off, especially regarding the size of the two top-bar buttons and the inset issue at the top.


Your games should not be broken by this, for years Roblox has had GuiService: GetGuiInset for you to use. If you weren’t using this, and the new update messes up your ui, that’s totally on you…

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In my opinion, people shouldn’t have been putting UI on the top bar anyways. It used to be a tranlucent bar that buttons usually wouldn’t click through.

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topbar_manager.rbxm (16.1 KB)

Here is a simple module that lets you add your own buttons to the top bar following this new style!


-- Create a new topbar icon, returns prototype
     name: string, -- the internal name of the icon
     leftSide: boolean, -- whether or not the icon should be on the left or right (left = true, right = false)
     iconImageId: string, -- image ID for the icon
     action: () -> (), -- function that runs on .Activated
     hoverText: string?, -- [optional] tooltip text
     layoutOrder: number? -- [optional] specify the layout order of the icon

-- Destroy and clean up a topbar icon, returns nil

-- Enable a topbar icon (allow it to be clickable), returns nil

-- Disable a topbar icon (don't allow it to be clickable), returns nil

This was made quickly so there may be a few errors. Also, be aware that tooltips can’t overlay CoreGuis, such as the leaderboard. This is a Roblox security feature and cannot be bypassed.


Developers should be able to customize things, and or choose the size etc. Having more customization for this would be nice. Personally id like to do something completely different.


Will it be possible to TURN OFF or HIDE (but it will be still active) this “Experience Controls stuff” like Chat, Backpack, Emotes, etc?


Another horrible decision made by roblox. First off, this is going to break many UIs as the Topbar inset got bigger. Second, a lot of games (including some of my projects) had extra Topbar buttons in the style of the previous CoreGui, now I can redesign them to make sure they fit, however the new design sucks. Having 2 circles, one that has the chat in it TWICE?? I like the menu itself, and I have been waiting for that for a long time, but the new topbar menu, definitely not. And we also have an update showcase with the ugly rthro avatars again. When SetCoreGuiEnabled is used to disable GUIs, while the GUIs itself do disappear, the buttons for them don’t. Basically, we got a new menu, that has another menu inside it, horrible GUI design (except for the main menu), and “selfview”, a button that doesn’t work most of the time, and when it does, it shows a black box, and it just shows a white circle normally, and a camera when hovered over??


no thank you. why Roblox still does not let us finally customize CoreGui looks to adapt it to our UI style preferences?


Is there a way to change the right button to left

As a UI Developer myself I Do not like the fact you have to do 2 CLICKS to just Chat, why not put the popup to the left? Makes more sense if you do it in that way than having 2 different menus


Same here, they kept the 36px constant instead of using the new GuiService.TopbarInset.Height (which I started to use but isn’t released on mobile yet lol)

Anyway the layout was a bit poorly studied in my opinion