[Studio Beta] Improved Constraint Tool

that weld feature used to exist for a while i swear (with more than 2), but for the past few months it hadn’t worked


the change of how you use welds or whatever is just weird now
you have to now select the first part and THEN the second one

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Now this is something I could get behind! So often have I needed a feature like this, only to have to do it via the command line instead. I refuse to use building plugins since the default draggers are just so much better in almost every other way nowadays.


This is awesome, saves so much time


i didnt knew i need this, the old constraint editor is old i have to use some plugins, but this improves the things alot


This is great, but I notice you are still using the old attachment model to pose the constraint. It’s impossible to know at a glance which direction Z is in. Could you please fix this? And use the consistent X/Y/Z colors you use elsewhere?


Could you guys fix the bug where rigidconstraints not attaching parts to bones on attachments inside skinned mesh parts properly


as mentioned above in the Title, it is a studio beta currently. So it’s Obvious that bugs are expected to happen and be fixed in an upcoming Roblox Release.

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This might be one of the best changes ever…
FINALLY rigging up contraptions isn’t gonna be as tiring, QOL changes :on: :top:

Thank you everyone for all your feedback!
We recognize that there is a lot of room for improvement regarding Weld Workflows. We plan on dedicating time to figuring out how to best improve welds to support the diverse set of workflows. Please keep the feedback coming!


Thank you for your feedback! We will look into this :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your question. We understand this will be a powerful tool that will unlock many workflows. We are working on it steadily, though we do not have an ETA at this point.


Fantastic. And if you could, update the one on attachments the same way please! I use attachments to soft code in cframes easily

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These changes are fantastic, are there any plans to allow creating the attachments at the origin of the part instead of on the surface?

Is the Enhanced Weld Tool supposed to be a replacement for Quenty’s qPerfectionWeld script, or have we already passed that? Sorry if that’s a dumb question, I don’t use welds that often, and tbh it’s been a while since I’ve opened Studio at all so I’m a little behind on where we’re at overall lol

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