Is there a way to lower the sensitivity? Using SHIFT+WASD to move the camera/controllers is too aggressive for my liking.
The grip and trigger buttons are supposed to give a float (0 through 1), not a bool value (true or false).
Hi! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We’ll look into this.
That is really great honestly glad to see that your doing well
I’ve been Using this feature for testing however for some reason just today i wasn’t able to use Shift+W/A/S/D or Shift+E/Q unsure as to why i checked to make sure nothing else had those binds and it just happened today still a great update though and has been helping a ton with VR development much love to all the people that helped to make this happen.
I have same issue, and I’m making a VR experience with no real VR headset. The emulator was the only thing I was going off of; so I can’t test my game anymore till it get’s resolved.
I’m having the same problem, what binds are you talking about, did you fixed it?
sadly i haven’t found a fix it really does suck though because i was relying on the vr emulation to rapid fire test my game without having to get in and out of vr non stop, also the binds I’m talking about are Shift+W/A/S/D i looked through the key binds menu for studio to make sure i had none conflicting and sadly i haven’t found a solution so hopefully they can fix this before long
This doesn’t work?
Is there an input box for XYZ?
sadly there is not although that wouldn’t be bad if it did exist but yeah i reached out to the person who originally made this announcement and provided as much info as i could along with the day it broke so hopefully before long we can expect to see some form of fix
Hi, sorry about the inconvenience and thanks for your patience! We have a fix incoming – please update Studio after next week’s release and let us know if this issue persists, thanks!
really loving this feature honestly the only thing it seems to be missing is some way to have a floor height at the moment
returns true as if the vr emulator has a floor however sadly its position is 0,0,0 it would be nice if it was possible to allow the player to input a desired height to test code like in my case for calibrating a users height but this has really helped in speeding up my vr development to rapidly test