The second example is also happening to me but way worse. It mostly started when I put around 25 dummies in the workspace with clothes, but my selection box lags behind at like 4 FPS…
Edit: It gets a lot worse if you have Constraint Details enabled.
#1 is a known issue that is partially fixed by the Lua Draggers (They will still miss the mouse-up event if you end the drag over an active GUI, but will at least let you box select over one)
Edit: It gets a lot worse if you have Constraint Details enabled.
How many parts / attachments are there in the place you’re experiencing the problem with? Run the following code in the command bar to find out:
local n = 0 for _, o in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do if o:IsA("Attachment") or o:IsA("BasePart") then n = n + 1 end end print(n)
We’re looking into the degraded box select performance (#2) as well.
There’s actually a general issue with selection changes having degraded performance, so the Lua Draggers will make little difference for the most part, even if they help a bit in some scenarios such as when you have a lot of Attachments in your place.