The problem is, studio breaks and gets stuck when I try changing something in my code while I am in testing.
Here we can see that player.Name is incorrect, which I find when I test as seen on picture 2
Here we can see the error I get, so now I wanna check what’s going on
As expected, it directs me to line 19 where I quickly can see I forgot to change it back to plr.Name instead of player.Name, so now I wanna change it
As soon as I mark the word “player” and starts writing p… this gets stuck on my screen
Even now as I am writing this, it’s still stuck and can only be removed if I close it inside Task Manager
Expected behavior
I expect it to let me rewrite the code and save it.
I hope this can be fixed soon, as I am pretty sure it does cause loss of code if not saved.
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