Studio camera moving problems

Sometimes when I open studio, I’m unable to move the camera by holding right click. It’ll just get the mouse stuck in place. I’m not sure why it even happens, it almost seems random at this point. I’m using Chrome and 3 monitors so I’m not sure if that could possibly play into it. Does this happen for anybody else?


Try deleting the camera from the workspace so it gets replaced. This only happens with old places, right?


It happens in relatively new places too. Deleting camera doesn’t help stop the issue. I can still move the camera with wasd, but right clicking and moving the camera sometimes breaks. I still haven’t been able to accurately make it happen every time I want, it still seems random. I’ll upload a YouTube video of it happening.


video link:


Can you check what the camera type is when the camera isn’t working? It should be ‘Fixed’ type.


I checked and it is set to Fixed. It almost seems like a 1/15 chance for it to work properly.

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I think I might have had a similar issue in the past with this where selecting the viewport window didn’t activate it correctly and Studio thought another area of it (or another program) was active instead. Does left-clicking (or middle-mouse clicking (the best way to focus a window since it doesn’t deselect what you have selected)) the viewport allow you to rotate the camera again?

Just tried, and now it’s about 11/15 times that I can move my camera with right mouse, but I can always move it with middle mouse. That’s after activating with middle mouse. The right mouse thing will still bug me, but know that this will make it much less frequent is nice.

This is now happening almost every time I enter studio. I reset my controls back to default, but it didn’t help at all. I can move the camera by holding down middle mouse button, but most of the time that’s it. Anything that helps stop this will save me like 10 minutes every time I want to enter studio. I checked the CameraType and it is Fixed.

EDIT: I tried disabling this plugin and it fixed it, but no more shift slowing down camera I guess.


This problem is now happening to me. It happened after I accidently pressed a few random keys on my keyboard, which started it. I restarted studio, reset settings and tried your solution, which didn’t work. It seems like the camera is moved sometimes, but then it is hit with an extreme input delay which doesn’t allow me to move the mouse. I have no ideas on how to fix it

Never mind for the problem happening after 7 years, after some other use in programs I found out it was my mouse being probably clogged on the right mouse button. I swapped it for an spare mouse and everything worked perfectly. Strange how it seemed so similar to this problem

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