Studio camera sensitivity is dependent on FPS

The recent maximum framerate update introduced a side effect where the studio’s camera sensitivity is inversely proportional to the framerate, meaning that lower FPS values result in higher camera sensitivity, while higher FPS values result in lower camera sensitivity.

It’s worth noting it was like this before the setting was released.


Can you show a video of what you mean, such as on 60/above 60? Specifically, using the camera controls beta feature, as that is the code we’re going to be maintaining going forward?


I’m not sure how well this describes the problem but my mouse was moved the same amount.


I am also experiencing this issue but it’s more the camera speed that’s affected, putting the FPS to 240 makes me zoom across the map instantly compared to 60 FPS


This problem has existed for years, and if you had increased your FPS in the past with FPS unlockers on Studio it happened then as well.


It’s unfortunate it existed for a while, but either way I don’t think it would have gotten fixed because it was enabled through unofficial ways. Thanks for sending your video though :smiley:


Yeah of course, I was just adding this for extra clarification as your post might give the impression the update today had something to do with the root of the problem. The video is just extra clarification on the issue to make sure the engineers fully understand the problem without confusion.


roblox has officially added fps limit settings and I’m experiencing this issue ingame aswell when i set my fps limit to above 60 whenever my fps is unstable

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Using the ‘New Studio Camera Controls’ Beta features seems to fix this issue.