Studio can sometimes take more than a minute to close

I have been having an issue for months where if I use Studio for too long (measured in days, probably), it can take several minutes to close when I click the X. In this time, this is all you can see.

Many parts of Studio are still interactable–it’s not not-responding, it’s just not closing.

Here are my logs starting from when I clicked the X:
logs.txt (135.6 KB)

The first log relating to closing start at 23:51.562, and the last is at 25:07.125–more than a minute.

I think everyone has the same issue. Studio is going through some…rough times as of now, maybe because of the new update their trying to do to it. I don’t know.
But in the explorer tab I noticed when you delete a text you’ve typed the whole explorer tab will reload and it will take around 30 seconds to fully reload. Really angers me.

yeah my studio always takes around 5 minutes until it realizes it’s been closed. I just close it with task manager, it still even takes like 30 seconds then.