Studio Class icons not loading

When I open Roblox Studio, all object class icons refuse to load (i.e script icon, localscript icon, part icon).

I first observed this bug this morning. This bug happens every single time I open up studio, without fail. There are no specific steps to reproducing this. Normally all objects should display a class icon; due to this bug, I constantly click on and edit the wrong object as I have no clue what class it is. This bug is not place-specific, and happens regardless of whether I am opening a published place or a local file. This does not affect games launched via the website. As seen in the video below, my internet connection is working and other images such as toolbox assets load just fine. Restarting the computer has not fixed the issue.

Here is a video of the issue:

Studio output errors
12:08:31.075 - Image "rbxasset://textures/shadowblurmask.png" failed to load: File not found

12:08:32.237 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Asphalt.png

12:08:32.240 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Basalt.png

12:08:32.241 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Brick.png

12:08:32.243 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Cobblestone.png

12:08:32.246 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Concrete.png

12:08:32.248 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_CrackedLava.png

12:08:32.250 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Glacier.png

12:08:32.252 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Grass.png

12:08:32.254 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Ground.png

12:08:32.256 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Ice.png

12:08:32.258 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_LeafyGrass.png

12:08:32.259 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Limestone.png

12:08:32.261 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Mud.png

12:08:32.264 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Pavement.png

12:08:32.266 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Rock.png

12:08:32.268 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Salt.png

12:08:32.270 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Sand.png

12:08:32.272 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Sandstone.png

12:08:32.274 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Slate.png

12:08:32.276 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_Snow.png

12:08:32.278 - Unable to load terrain icon textures/TerrainTools/mtrl_WoodPlanks.png

12:08:33.645 - Unable to load plugin icon. (x11)

[12:08:35.445 - Image "rbxasset://textures/particles/" failed to load in "Workspace.Racer.Center.Particles.Sparks.Texture": File not found](rbxopenprop://10835%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Texture)

12:08:35.447 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/left.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

12:08:35.448 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/back.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

12:08:35.449 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/front.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

12:08:35.450 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/right.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

12:08:35.451 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/bottom.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

12:08:35.452 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/face_arrow.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

12:08:35.456 - Image "rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/top.png" failed to load in "TextureManager::PreloadTexture": File not found

[12:08:35.459 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/Tabs/Inventory.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Tabs.Inventory.Content.Icon.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11492%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.460 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/Tabs/Recent.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Tabs.Recent.Content.Icon.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11503%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.462 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/Tabs/MyCreations.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Tabs.Creations.Content.Icon.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11509%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.463 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/Tabs/Shop.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Tabs.Marketplace.Content.Icon.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11497%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.465 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/RoundedBackground.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Footer.Frame.Black.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11532%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.466 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/RoundedBorder.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Footer.Frame.Black.Border.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11533%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.467 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/NoBackgroundIcon.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Footer.Frame.None.Border.Icon.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11544%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.469 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/Search.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Header.SearchBar.Background.Border.Buttons.SearchButton.ImageLabel.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11563%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.471 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/ArrowDownIconWhite.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Header.CategoryMenu.CurrentSelection.Border.DropDownIcon.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11567%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.473 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/SearchOptions.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.Header.SearchOptionsButton.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://11552%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.677 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/ScrollBarTop.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.MainView.ScrollingFrame.ScrollingFrame.TopImage": File not found](rbxopenprop://11520%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/TopImage)

[12:08:35.678 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/ScrollBarMiddle.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.MainView.ScrollingFrame.ScrollingFrame.MidImage": File not found](rbxopenprop://11520%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/MidImage)

[12:08:35.679 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/ScrollBarBottom.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.MainView.ScrollingFrame.ScrollingFrame.BottomImage": File not found](rbxopenprop://11520%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/BottomImage)

[12:08:35.680 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/AssetPreview/MAGNIFIER_PH.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.MainView.ScrollingFrame.ScrollingFrame.Container.AssetGridContainer.183435411.InnerFrame.AssetIcon.AssetPreviewTriggerButton.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://17450%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

[12:08:35.681 - Image "rbxasset://textures/StudioToolbox/EndorsedBadge.png" failed to load in "RobloxPluginGuiService.Toolbox.Toolbox.MainView.ScrollingFrame.ScrollingFrame.Container.AssetGridContainer.183435411.InnerFrame.AssetIcon.Badge.Image": File not found](rbxopenprop://17449%2ERBX2C9A6068ACD64273AD4C7EC5CFE38817/Image)

12:08:35.682 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/left.png

12:08:35.683 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/back.png

12:08:35.684 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/front.png

12:08:35.684 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/right.png

12:08:35.685 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/bottom.png

12:08:35.685 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/face_arrow.png

12:08:35.686 - ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() failed for rbxasset://textures/ViewSelector/top.png

This bug started happening this morning, after the last studio update. Here is my studio version:

As an added note, this bug does not change during runtime, despite character appearances and other in-game assets loading as they should.

  • I am experiencing this issue
  • I am not experiencing this issue

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Another user experienced this a month or two ago. I found another thread also in bulletin board about this same issue.

It looks like Studio has been having a couple of different issues after updating lately (eg. broken viewport).

After some more experimenting I’ve found that class icons aren’t the only thing this bug affects. Additionally,

  • Fire and smoke does not render
  • The animation editor is unusable since most of its interface uses Icons (icons which don’t render)
  • When selecting and grabbing parts, the mouse icon does not change.
  • In runtime, the mouse icon is completely invisible.
  • certain elements of the gui editor are messed up (no green/red allignments, gui length in pixels text is stuck)
  • Sparkles don’t render
  • ParticleEmitters using the local default image do not render, but do render when used with toolbox image ids
  • copy/pasting doesnt work for repositioning parts

Can you please look in this folder, or your closest equivalent:
The correct version folder might be different and may not be the most recent one. The correct one will contain many dlls.

The class icons are found in:
Please check if this file and others mentioned in your output exist.
If they do exist, perhaps something went wrong with Studio’s permission to its own files?

Are live games launched via the website affected?

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I eventually fixed this issue after uninstalling and reinstalling Roblox Studio 2 or 3 times. I still have no clue as to what happened, but roblox studio is working perfectly again. I clicked Settings>Reset All Settings after the first re-installation, this may have had something to do with the fix. Live games launched via the website were not affected, otherwise I would have posted this in Engine Bugs.


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