Studio Closes When Opening a New Place With an Update Available

Reproduction Steps

For me, it’s a group-owned team create session. When a studio update reaches you (not sure how to track), open another studio window through the website’s “Edit” button. It will then display the “shutting down Roblox Studio” message. The prompt to allow the shutdown comes after it already closes all open studio windows. This issue has been persistent over the past several months, maybe even a year.

Expected Behavior

For all studio windows to remain open unless I allow the update to continue.

Actual Behavior

All studios close, disrupting my workflow forcing me to open all of them and pick up where I left off.



Only workaround is by using Roblox Studio Mod Manager, which I feel shouldn’t be necessary.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Crashing
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Often


This issue has been happening to me on multiple devices I own for the past year.

It’s not a user specific issue from @Shawnyg


This has been bugging me ever since we were told that Studio wouldn’t do this to us anymore. Whatever was changed a year or so ago NEVER worked.


This horrible issue is what forced me to update to the broken buggy new icons and camera controls.

Thanks for reporting this issue, we are looking into it and will post here once it is resolved.