Studio collapses all windows in Play mode

Reproduction Steps

Start a Play session with the new layout update, and all Studio windows collapse into the left side of the screen.

Expected Behavior

I expect the normal Studio layout when in Play mode.

Actual Behavior

All windows collapse into the side of the screen, making them unusable. They cannot be rescaled either.


Launching in Start (F7) instead of Play (F5) does launch normally, but it’s unusable because Breakpoints don’t work in this mode.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-10 00:09:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-12 00:09:00 (-07:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


I’m having the same issue. Reinstalling studio doesnt fix it either, hope they fix it soon.

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Same Issue here, it’s very annoying. Nothing really works. Hope they’ll fix it soon.

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I’m having the same problem. It happens on my secondary screen, but works fine on my primary screen. I’m also getting this error in the console when moving views to different dock locations:

10:48:02.210   ▼ Maximum event re-entrancy depth exceeded for Instance.AbsoluteContentSizeChanged (x3)  -  Studio
     10:48:02.210     Maximum event re-entrancy depth exceeded for Instance.AbsoluteContentSizeChanged
     10:48:02.212     Maximum event re-entrancy depth exceeded for Instance.AbsoluteContentSizeChanged

I just tested and it only breaks on my secondary screen aswell.
I playtested on my laptop screen and it worked normally. I dragged the studio tab to my secondary screen (while still being in playtest), closed and reopened the output window and it broke (sized to the lowest and can not size it back up)

Same with Explorer & Properties

if you dont lock the tab on the side of your screen (or on the top, bottom ect)
It will just be like this on your screen (still cannot change size)

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Thanks! We’re aware of this and have a potential fix coming. For now, I suggest to use your primary monitor.


Hello, this should be fixed now, can you confirm ?

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It looks to be fixed on our end, thank you!

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