Studio command bar caches modules

If you make a module, require it, edit it, and then try running it again, it will return the exact same result. This is infuriating behavior for iterating on modules and I can’t imagine it’s intentional.


idk if it’s intentional or not but here’s the solution to your problem


i don’t expect this behavior to change since it also does this everywhere else

this behavior is really annoying and caused me to waste time trying to figure out what was wrong, i can’t imagine it’s intentional and if it is it should be changed asap because it makes no sense

thanks for the temporary solution though

Annoying as it may be, I believe this behaviour is intentional.

ModuleScripts run once and only once per Lua environment and return the exact same value for subsequent calls to require().

That kinda sucks but oh well. I hope htis behavior can be changed because it’s genuinely super annoying.