I’ve been having issues with Studio crashing lately (Windows 10) and it got really bad today. After my 5th or so crash I had 1 more crash. This crashed studio when I pressed Play at the same time as autosave was running. A few seconds later my PC BSoD. When I opened the same place file up again it shows some glitchy UI & the entire place is missing it’s data with a red error in output:
I’m going to guess that your studio issues are coming from whatever caused the BSoD rather than the studio issues causing the BSoD. Windows 10 seems to be really unstable on some PCs and I have yet to find any answers to why that might be. I usually have no idea if the instability issues are related to hardware or software issues, but programs running on Windows 10 shouldn’t ever cause a bluescreen unless something is very wrong behind the scenes hardware or software wise. At that point Windows has probably gotten very unstable and a lot of things could cause a bluescreen to occur.
Bluescreens (or really the issues behind them) can cause data loss especially when a file is being written to in the process. If you still have the message which displayed when the bluescreen occured that would be helpful information.
Most frequently I see bluescreens relating to memory issues. These type of issues can cause the dataloss you see (e.g. severe memory corruption during file writing) but it could also be a CPU (also likely) or Disk (surprisingly less likely) issue. I’ve frequently seen files get overwritten with nul (\0) bytes and random data corruption in general.
If you’re comfortable DMing me the place file I can potentially repair the file or at least extract some content within the file. I have no idea if (and how much) I can recover anything but I’ll try. The error you’ve posted is most likely from an signed Roblox integer being corrupted. Roblox place files usually store signed integers using something called two’s complement if I recall correctly so going from positive to negative is as simple as the number being changed from odd to even.
I totally agree with what @Hexcede said above. I would like to also let you know that we are working on Studio to reduce the chance of a file corruption even for these unexpected situations. The work will be released soon.