(FENRIR Security)
January 7, 2025, 9:44am
Expected behavior
It should’ve gotten to the game, but somehow just keeps crashing (Randomly between either loading a client, or second place being opened) if it doesn’t happen between the second place being opened or client loading, its not going to crash.
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Can you provide your PC specs please?
(FENRIR Security)
January 7, 2025, 6:14pm
16 GB ram
Intel Core I5-6600k CPU
RTX 2070 Super
Windows 10
3 drives, 2x500GB SSD’s, 1x 1TB SSD
All under the Samsung SSD lineup
January 7, 2025, 9:42pm
Hi @Gold3nF1r3 . We pushed out a change from our end which may help resolve your issue. Can you please confirm if you are still seeing it? Thanks.
(FENRIR Security)
January 8, 2025, 12:24am
As far as I can tell, it doesn’t seem to be occuring anymore. I will let you know within ~1 weeks worth of time.
(FENRIR Security)
February 4, 2025, 1:25am
Yup, confirmed clear.
Only crashed 1 time ~3 days after first post.