Studio crashed without apparent cause.
Consulting the last lines of the log, I found:
2023-06-08T19:37:39.612Z,6152.612793,3708,6 [FLog::Graphics] D3D11 FATAL ERROR: Device removed with reason 0x887a0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: O GPU n? responder? a mais comandos, muito provavelmente devido a um comando inv?ido repassado pelo aplicativo de chamada.)
2023-06-08T19:37:40.783Z,6153.783203,3708,6 [FLog::Error] DeviceError encountered, shutting down Studio: (DeviceD3D11RemovedError) Device encountered an error: Device removed (0x887a0006)
No .dmp file was created.
Log file sent in PM.
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