Even though this bug report seems to be a duplicate of this bug report, I have still created this bug report because the problem with the Plugins crashing Roblox Studio still hasn’t been fixed.
Plugins will crash Roblox Studio when they’re unloaded (this seems to affect only local/built-in plugins and it’s somehow because of plugin’s created DockWidgetPluginGuis) and randomly after 7-10 minutes of being active (affects all types of plugins).
I have also updated Roblox Studio to its latest version.
These crashes didn’t occur about 5 days ago, and it seems that previous Roblox Studio updates must be the reason why these happen now, because plugins can’t force a crash, the closest thing they can do is create a while true do loop that will cause a timeout, but even that won’t cause a crash and the window to be closed.
Expected behavior
Plugins don’t crash Roblox Studio when they’re unloaded/uninstalled or after being active for 7-10 minutes.
I looked if there was already a report about this, the same which was mentioned above, where a roblox employee said it got rolled back and marked it as “fixed”. Unfortunately, this has not been the case yet and the issue is still occuring.
I also tried to update studio using the studio installer, didn’t work either unfortunately.
Would be great if this would get fixed ASAP as this bug is really annoying.
The best we can do right now is to start a 5 minutes timer whenever entering a project, then when it’s finished leave the project, re-enter and start the timer again, and so on, to avoid the crash. It’s like playing FNAF UCN where you have to enter the cameras like every 40 seconds to reset ventilations.
Nevermind, the bug has been fixed 50%. Now plugins won’t crash Studio when they’re unloaded, but they still do crash Studio after being active for 7-10 minutes. Can anyone please tell me if they also have these type of crashes happening to them?
Its quite possible these are not the same issue - the linked ticket indicates specific action from the user on unloading the plugin, where as here OP is saying that plugins will crash after a few minutes of being active. That doesn’t read as the same behavior.
Logs will be the most useful thing in tracking this down.