Why is studio crashing when I open this one module script, what do I need to do to fix this?
Is this because im not using modules scripts right and its causing my game to crash?
Why is studio crashing when I open this one module script, what do I need to do to fix this?
Is this because im not using modules scripts right and its causing my game to crash?
Thi sounds like more of a topic for the Bug Reports category. Send in a post there.
I am stumped. Apparently there is supposed to be a button somewhere that says “Report Bug” but I can’t find it. If anyone here knows how, help would be appreciated.
So typing game:GetService(“ReplicatedFirst”) is the new way to crash roblox, awesome!
Roblox Studio always works in such wonderful ways.
You need to be at least trust level Regular to post a bug report.
Not sure if your modules are under different circumstances, but they should be stored in ReplicatedStorage.
Objects in ReplicatedFirst are the very first things to be replicated to the client. It can be very heavy performance-wise. If your modules are long enough, and by the looks of it, you’ve got a lot in there, I would consider that grounds of Studio crashing.
This doesnt matters, the file ran perfectly fine before, and I have deleted 90% of all the modules on replicated first to find the modules causing the issue and it still presists.
Also the game is not even being playtested so it doesnt even matters if its very performant wise as they are not running.
Also i did more test and the issue happens with the modules present inside Packages present, and if you try and type require under anything on replicated first the crash occurss
Did you make sure you’re not requiring itself infinitely? That could be the reason why, although Roblox does catch things like this to avoid crashing.
again the issue doesnt even happens when running the game, you just type it on script editor and it crashes as soon as you type it.
But i will look into this just to verify
Roblox seems to have fixed this today as opening the module script no longer crashes my PC, thank you to everyone who tried to help.
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