Studio Crashing every time I stop play testing

Reproduction Steps

Game Link: Oil Warfare Tycoon - Roblox

System Information:

  • Intel Core i9 12900K
  • 64Gb DDR5 RAM
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080Ti
  • 500Gb Sata SSD
  • High speed 1gig internet connection via Ethernet

Expected Behavior

The play testing in studio should stop and I should return back to the editor like usual.

Actual Behavior

Studio just crashes and I have to restart it.

Desktop 2022.10.07 -

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Freezing
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-06 00:10:00 (-07:00)

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It happen always ? Also I think the problem is from your computer and not from Studio, maybe something went wrong with your computer (I think).

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I thought so too but I tried re-installing studio and clearing Roblox files but it does not seem to help.
Unless if there are other files that I need to remove when uninstalling studio that I have not done yet?

As far as I am aware, my computer is fine since I can do many other things like gaming, photoshop, video editing, ect without crashing.

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I don’t know what to do. I had this problem when I started to use Roblox Studio, but one day it just stopped to do that.

Just wait until it work, it worked for me.

Did you try the Play, Play here, and Run options to see if it happens to all 3?

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I resolved the issue by completely removing all Roblox files from the PC that I could find, then re-installing it. I must have missed some files when I tried doing this before, I guess something was corrupted during an update.

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I use this to use older versions of studio, or more easily reinstall when the current one is broken

If you encounter this issue again, please file a new bug report.