Studio Crashing on Launch


So I was working on my game with Roblox Studio when it stopped responding for a few minutes straight so I closed it with Task Manager, and now whenever I open Roblox Studio I get the following error message:


I’m guessing that this error is specific to me and no one else is getting it. I tried reinstalling Roblox Studio and I still get this issue. I tried uninstalling Roblox Studio, deleting the Studio related stuff in the Versions folder, then reinstalling, and that works until I close and reopen Studio again then I get the error again. The error appears five times, then I click the close button or Ok button on one of them and Studio closes along with the rest of them. This issue only exists for Roblox Studio, not Roblox Player. Please help me fix this! Thanks.


Can you include some system details? Are your graphics drivers up to date?

I’m using the Nvidia Geforce driver with GTX 980m the driver date is 7/18/2017. I can play Roblox games fine, it’s just Roblox Studio that’s doing this.

Roblox Studio uses a different set of software to run its graphics. Do you have another machine you can try this on?


Thanks for your help. Roblox Studio works fine on other machines. I noticed that Roblox Player was only running on the integrated graphics in addition to the other issues, and the graphics quality was always at 1 even if the setting was higher. I noticed I had an Intel integrated graphics driver update recently, so I reverted it and the problem seems to be solved so far, so my guess is that I had a buggy driver :confused:. Disabled driver updates for now. I’m sill confused about what the issue was but at least it seems to be ok for now.


The issue is back, very strange. This is probably some sort of graphics driver issue and nothing to do with Roblox though.

If the problem was resolved by reverting drivers, can you please post here what driver/version you’re using? Perhaps @zeuxcg can help you.

@Silent137 This is not in our graphics stack unfortunately, it’s in Qt/ANGLE. I’m not sure how much visibility we have into that :frowning:

Have you tried enabling Qt warnings in the studio output? Perhaps that could shed some light on what is going on when trying to initialize OpenGL if logging category ‘’ is enabled as stated on; QSurfaceFormat Class | Qt GUI 5.15.17

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Can you try restarting you machine? If that does not resolve the issue, please try the following:

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86 or C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86 (Depending on OS)
Copy the file d3dcompiler_46.dll into the RobloxStudio folder
Restart your machine and try again


I can’t find that directory, but I managed to solve this issue by reinstalling my Nvidia drivers, thanks for your help.

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