Studio crashing whole PC


Roblox studio crashes my whole PC randomly for no apparent reason and it happens randomly. This crash doesn’t happen in any other application. Only in Studio

What I mean by crashing the whole PC:

  • Any audio that is currently playing through my speakers freeze at the current pitch
  • Mouse won’t move
  • Screen freezes in the current state
  • Cant Control+Alt+Delete

The only thing that I can do in this situation is to turn off my PC manually.


It started after the most recent update.


It seems that some of the crashes are random, but it might be caused by hosting local server tests in studio.

CPU - Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz
RAM - 16 GB
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

Was DMed to the appropriate people.


A bit of an update, I was using my PC fine all day for other things, but about 20 minutes into my next studio session, whole PC crashed again.

This leads me to beleive that it is caused by studio.

I think I narrowed down the problem.

If you run a server test and click “clean up” from one of the clients, the server takes a while to actually shutdown.
If you then click clean up from the original studio window, studio is freeze for a moment, then return to normal. About 1 minute later, the whole PC will crash.

This does not seem to every happen to me. Might be your computer idk.

That’s kind of been happening with me too, only it’s usually just when I open the game file, or when I try to test my game. Usually when I open the game file it eventually stops and lets me work on my game, but whenever I try to play my game I end up having to restart my PC because it completely crashed. However, for me there’s a slight chance that it’s because the place is too big for my PC to process.

Edit: I have a Windows 10 that’s a 64-bit.

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I think it’s a mix between your computer and Studio.

I have a pretty decent PC and my computer almost never crashes from it.
Every once in a while my computer will freeze up from Studio.

I’m not really sure about your situation.

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This happens to me too. But, my pc is more bad that your.

CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz
RAM: 8 B
GPU: idk

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Hm, I don’t think, my computer is 8x times slower than OP’s computer and Studio is not crashing very frequently, maybe 1-3 per 1-3 month(s).

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Make sure you clear out system junk and background applications. You can go to task manager and disable applications from starting up whenever your PC turns on. I hope this helps, clearing up space and lowering open programs might help.

I haven’t changed my workflow in a few months. I only started having trouble after the most recent update. When studio is open, my memory never goes above 40 ish percent, but even if memory was the problem, I dont see why that would crash my entire PC.

it happened to me but it gave my a blue screen with the :frowning: and it said it was a video error

Try to update your graphics drivers, see if it would work. Also check your place for viruses, there could be one that has seeped in through means of a free model, or a malicious plugin.

I don’t really know why studio would be able to entirely freeze your computer, but try my solutions above and it might just work out for you!

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This is still happening to me. I updated my graphics driver, disabled all plugins and turned off all beta features, and still, studio crashes my entire PC.

I would really appreciate if someone from ROBLOX could respond to me because I am loosing out on income because I cant get any work done.

Yeah I can confirm this is happening to me aswell.

Publishing a module then clicking on it causes my studio to fully crash.
Specs :
Intel e3 quad core @3.?HZ
16GB ram
Nvidia 1060 3gb

For me, its not just that studio crashes. My entire PC freezes. Is it your whole PC or just studio?

Just studio. I find it odd that it crashed your PC

This is very frequently a graphics driver issue or other driver issue. Update your drivers.

Replies to this topic are completely unactionable and off-topic since everyone is replying with many different kinds of crashes. Please file separate bug reports if you have unique crashes that do not very closely match symptoms on an existing recent thread. Further, always follow the bug report requirements when posting in bug report categories, this includes for replies!

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