Studio Design Refresh - Updated Icons & High DPI Capabilities

Could you please just hire @Elttob to do it instead.

It’s still flawed pretty heavily and I think everyone would much rather have it be done right third time.

I’m sure he’s going through it all right now to write a long video/audio on how to improve.

Also what about the textbox.


Makes a little more sense, but still feels a little funny in some categories, e.g. all of the layout classes in UI, don’t these modify behavior? Not 100% sure if I like the coloration yet, but the shapes are solid.


Will finally give me a reason to update Roblox Studio to it’s newest version.


If I press “+” on any object in workspace, it freezes my Roblox studio. Roblox please fix this, or any solutions?


I can’t even see the adding of instances at all for me


Within the first second of seeing the new icons in the old announcement, my mind just felt at unease. It was, in my own opinion, bit of a chaos, some icons didn’t make sense, some icons felt lazy, I even tried to use them but just didn’t feel like it worked for me.

Now seeing this announcement, I felt comfortable at first glance, I can see some icons have changed, and some icons which practically didn’t even have icons before, now actually do! Still personally disagree with some icons, but it’s not bad, it works, unlike before.


Blue for Instances that affect their parent is the general rule but it doesn’t make sense to stick to always, some of the other coloring is pragmatic:

  • UI Instances hierarchies are self-contained and highly parent relationship based unlike Instances in other parts of the engine, so the coloration is better used to show which are passive (blue) / active (green) components there.

  • Scripting Instances are important enough to have their own colors, and benefit from using the conventional coloring for Event (yellow-orange) / Method (purple).

  • Some Instances like Humanoid and Model are important enough to call out with unique coloring.


That all makes sense on paper.
Looking at the UI in context does feel a little more cohesive, so I think I can settle that.

That really only leaves the issues with the workspace icon and the obstructive corner square on some service icons. Otherwise pretty satisfied I think.


Amazing update

It really feels great to have a new and fresh look for Roblox Studio, I’ve been waiting for new icons to arrive for such a long time! :pray:

Good job!


There are a few last details like here though where I feel like these icons would be better using the same color (orange instead of blue) so they feel more “together”. Is there a reason for the blue here?

Are we going to get more icons for all of the classes with generic icons sometime?

Thank you!


Also want to point out the strange light blue color here for the Team class:

Is this a different color for a reason, or is this just an unupdated icon? Previously some icons were being used as both class icons and ribbonbar icons, wondering if reuse is the reason why this is a (barely perceptibly) different color; this is important to separate for custom icon purposes and shouldn’t stay this way if that’s what’s going on here. Otherwise the color used here is out of place.


It’s been a long time coming. Happy to finally see the class icons refreshed and crisp looking after spiting them for so long, and with full modding support!

Any word on whether StudioService:GetClassIcon will be getting updated to accommodate?


Not every Instance type (there’s a lot of internal / deprecated Instance types), but every Instance type intended for developer usage should have an icon by the time we’re done with the refresh.

Some of the more recent / edge case ones are still being worked on.


I’m very glad you guys decided to refactor the design. For once I didn’t feel all that overwhelmed when opening studio, and the mono-chromatic ribbon actually looks half-decent this time!

Although I’m not very fond of the icons for services because they have that little box on the bottom right. I think it would be less intrusive if the box blended a bit more into the icon, so it doesn’t draw attention.



Could the ‘Script’ Instance have it’s icon green representing server side? As far as I know this script should only be used for Server and just having it as white icon, makes it look neutral.

Green Server Services:

Green Box:

Green Server Icon:


If you read the thread deeper you can see that the white icons are much more usable in the context you’d find them in the hierarchy. Perhaps a little harder to find uniquely in the big list of classes, but they really do make much more sense when in use together.

@focasds I think keeping it white makes more sense in the current moment, given that we have a RunContext property on script. It feels like LocalScripts are on the road to being replaced. Maybe down the road the icon could change dynamically based on RunContext? When script instances get cleaned if up if that ever happens, green + blue + orange icons would definitely be something I’d support, but doing that right now would be confusing.


the script editor font is customizable and is a setting, you may have done it by accident


Ok then, hopefully they make it so the script icon turns green when we change the RunContext to Server.


I don’t like the new Icons and all that I want it changed back to the original how do I do it?


I have the feature enabled, yet I don’t see it. Anyone else?