Studio doesn't detect wireless Xbox controller until restart

If you have studio already open and connect a wireless Xbox controller thru bluetooth, studio wont detect any input from the controller. You have to restart studio for it to start recognizing input.

I’m on the most recent version of Windows 10 and most recent version of studio


In my experience Windows apps don’t tend to ‘discover’ device changes whilst running.

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Roblox isn’t a microsoft app. It is made by roblox. So it isn’t a problem with microsoft

How to fix

Plug in your controller before you start studio!

I did this, still doesn’t work :confused:

Is it an official xBox controller? I could never get my cheap eBay one to work but the one which comes with the console has always been fine.

I figured it out, it was a PS4 controller so i had to use a program called DS4Windows which emulates an xbox controller from the ps4 controller, works now.