Studio doesn't print?

Hello, so when i run my function, ii check if the target is a player, and somehow it doesn’t print. I don’t know what i did wrong. Look at the code.

Note; i have more code but that is irrelivent.

local IsAPlayer

function Target(Target)
	local TargetString = tostring(Target)
	if not Players:FindFirstChild(TargetString) then
		print(TargetString.." is not a player")
		IsAPlayer = false
		print(TargetString.." is a player")
		IsAPlayer = true
	print("AAAAAAAAAAAAAA") -- this prints
	print(IsAPlayer) -- this doesn't print
local IsAPlayer

function Target(Target)
	IsAPlayer = Target:IsA("Player")
	print("AAAAAAAAAAAAAA") -- this prints
	print(IsAPlayer) -- this doesn't print
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local IsAPlayer

function Target(Target)
	local TargetString = tostring(Target)
	if not Players:FindFirstChild(TargetString) then
		print(TargetString.." is not a player")
		IsAPlayer = false
		print(TargetString.." is a player")
		IsAPlayer = true
	print("AAAAAAAAAAAAAA") -- this prints
	print(IsAPlayer) -- this doesn't print

Thanks, but this is not what i searched for, it doesn’t work. Do you know something else?

This doesn’t work as well, got any other ideas?

This prints perfectly fine for me.

Interesting, this is my output:
Do you know anything? I loop the function 2 times for every target.
I have absolutely no idea why this doesn’t work.

I tried this:
But it doesn’t even print “EEE”:

Maby its a bug?

Honestly, I have absolutely no clue as to why it doesn’t print. Have you saved the script at all? ex: drafts, committing them, etc?

I don’t need to commit it, its not in team create soo…

You might just want to restart studio then, there is absolutely no reason it shouldn’t print.

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Uhhhhh, i already did that but then i did it again and somehow it now works. Thats… interesting.

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