Studio dragging should have ignore cases

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to drag objects around a scene if there is a big invisible block covering it(think an area block for snow particles)

Currently we have to either remove the parts that are in the way to position our objects or use the move handles. This gets tedious and we should be able to ignore certain parts from being dragged on to.


What if I want to put objects on locked parts? I think this suggestion would break more workflows than it simplifies. The semantics of locked parts are that they cannot be moved by the tools, not that they do not interact with other parts.


This sounds like an interesting idea, but it would probably be best if it was toggleable. There are situations in which I would want locked parts to be respected.


if this was the case, then you wouldn’t be able to drag an object on a default baseplate


This isn’t necessarily asking for it to ignore locked parts, it was more of an example that I felt was the most “intuitive” at the time, to bring up the idea of being able to ignore things from being dragged on in general. Should’ve titled the post better