Studio environment/script editor viewport stuck outside of Studio client

I don’t know if this is a fix, I couldn’t get my studio to bug again, but when I was in play mode, and I made my Output float, which is docked at the bottom of my screen, the viewport snapped back to original position. This probably works with any “things” you have docked on your screen. Sorry if this doesn’t work cuz I couldn’t get my studio to do the bug again.

I’ve done this twice and it worked again. can confirm it works, took a few times tho

I have the exact same issue tbh

Hi all, please see this important announcement for our new Studio Docking beta. This was aimed squarely at solving this issue. Try it out and let us know how it’s working!


I sometimes have the exact same issue you are talking about

sorry for the bump, but this happened to me as recent as April of 2024, this bug still isn’t fixed and my Roblox studio just updated. I have been getting this bug for quite a while now but it wasn’t an issue to me since one of my least used plugins would “take the bullet” instead of the editor window, but after the update it has seemed to affect my editor window.

Normally the ThreeDText plugin would never undock in this way, and when the plugin doesn’t load in by default, the game editor window would instead get affected by this.

turn on the newer docking beta, it has fixed this issue

This thread remains alive for roblox staff to point to when reported again at all as they work on getting the final version of the new docking style done.

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