Studio forgets my login info on a regular basis

I’m finding Studio forgets which account to sign into on a regular basis, usually every few days. This began happening in the past week or two and it’s something I’ve seen in the past that resolves itself.

For added friction, my password manager doesn’t recognize the Studio login box as a place it should autofill, so signing in involves grabbing my phone for 2 factor and opening my pass manager to sign in. This is extra “painful” when I already have a few Studio windows open and I need to open up an additional file real quick to grab an asset I need.

Expected behavior

Studio should always remember who I am. I don’t mind occasional sign-in requests for security but lately it can be hard to get development work done. At the least, it should always remember who I am if I’m signed into my account on another Studio window.
Thank you!


Are you using a VPN, or is your IP address changing significantly? Roblox will invalidate sessions if this is the case.


Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


+1 to PeZsmistic’s comment, we do have security features in place if you change perceived location frequently. (Traveling or VPN will invalidate). If you’re staying put on a home internet connection, no VPN then something else is going on. (There are occasions when we do invalidate logins otherwise, but every few weeks doesn’t sound like that). Also, can you confirm if you mainly use a single account, or if you are making use of the new multiple login feature?


This also happens to me on a regular basis

I don’t use a VPN, I stay at the same address, and I use a single account


Hey @asimo3089 would you mind sending in your log files to @bug-files and then sending a link to the private message here? This will help Studio engineers who are interested in looking into this.


I’m not using either! Or at least I don’t think my IP address is changing significantly.

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I do have two accounts linked in Studio, though I haven’t signed into Account #2 in weeks.

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If that was me, I’ll be super mad because I forgot my password and I need to use my email And I need to know how to do it and it’s very Hard


Check if you have a dynamic or static IP address. Dynamic is more common, so your IP might change a bit. Also, I love Jailbreak.


Bump. This happens to me too and it seems like it only happens on Mac’s Roblox Studio.