Studio Freezing When Opening Game From Start Page | Failed to Bind to Workspace

System info:
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz
Installed RAM 48.0 GB
Windows 11 64 bit
Graphics GTX 1070
No Beta Features enabled

When opening the game, a blank box appears and it freezes, causing task manager to be the only option to close the game. If I was to open the game from the website, it would launch studio and begin loading the game, but halt with the error of “Failed to Bind to Workspace. Please restart Studio in order to resolve the issue.” All drivers are up to date on the computer and the software is update to date, including studio. I have no plugins installed on studio at this time. This issue began randomly. One day it was working fine, the next I start having these issues. I have made no modifications to my computer or any settings between it working and it not. I’ve also tried reinstalling studio 3 times.



Hi AJRuski,

Can you DM the Studio log for the Studio session that was affected please?


Hi xtcwr,

I have private messaged you the Studio Log for the Studio Session


Thanks! I will take a look and forward to the correct team to handle this.

Just checking: is this still an ongoing issue for you?

Hello xtcwr,

Yes, this is a ongoing issue for me. It started about 2 weeks ago and is still happening

keep changing graphics mode and reopening studio until any of them works