Hello all! Today I created my place for the first time and I want to check the script, but it turns out that I have a problem with lag when writing in the script. Here is an example of what I am talking about:
You can see that Roblox Studio is slow when I type in the script. I don’t know how to fix this because all the possible solutions I could think of such as:
Checking the power supply
Removing all plugins from the plugin menu
Removing all instances of Roblox Studio on my computer, uninstalling and then reinstalling Roblox Studio
Trying to edit the script somewhere else
didn’t work at all. My goal is to try and fix this. Any solutions to my problem are greatly appreciated, thanks!
Somehow it magically disappeared.
I suppose it could the internet speed as the script editor was buffering and not letting me edit it until my connection is stable again.
You might want to open a bug report ticket if the issue persists for you.