So I’ve been working on my game and as I make more and more of the map the fps studio runs at gets lower. I opened the microprofiler to identify the issue and I get this:
As you can see “RenderJob” takes a long time and causes spikes.
How can I resolve this issue? It’s not severe fps drops but its noticeable and kinda annoying. I’ve tried reducing the Editor Quality Level but the issue persists.
It’s worth noting I’ve seen games with maps my size, it is rather large but nothing unexpected or unseen. Also it runs smoothly in the actual game. This is just an issue with studio specifically.
I think this is just an issue with Studio itself. I have this issue too with some big maps when pressing Play in Studio itself, the way I fixed this is by using Team Test, but that only works if your game has Team Create on and it’s pretty much the same as just opening the game on the browser
Have you tried to reduce quality? Is you’re pc powerful enough to render it? The problem could if in the scripts (if you have it), cause of alot of loops and debugging in console, if not then could be of alot of hard lighting effects, alot of different materials, to many triangle in small models, too much detailed meshes. Also could be cause of alot of Meshes. Try to group parts to unions. change lighting. Thats hard to say cause you won’t show your map, if you do I’ll could do better results. Wish i help you
I cannot unfortunately as I don’t want to leak my map.
I do have a plugin that I can get the total part count of the entire map which is 408,710 parts. It is so massive that I cannot get the entire thing within one screenshot (unless I remove the atmosphere so there’s no fog). Even with this size studio automatically has streaming enabled in the editor with the lower editor quality levels. Even at editor quality level 1 I face fps drops.
@ZunerDev explorer offers nothing special, yes there are scripts but they aren’t active during the studio editor.
Not everything is just parts, I do have things like buildings and props modeled.