Studio has terrible FPS and is lowered by Toolbox widget

I opened Studio today to find that my frame rate was stuck at 33 and sometimes changed when I moved around. I then discovered that disabling the Toolbox widget made my frame rate go up to ~41 which is ridiculous.

I haven’t had this problem before and this is a empty baseplate with nothing on it that should be causing this low performance.

My computer specs:
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G
Motherboard: B550M PRO-VDH WIFI

I did some more testing and by removing many other widgets I was able to get my FPS up to 54 which is still incredibly low for what I should be getting.

In the video below, you can more clearly see my FPS in the bottom left.


BUMP! The same thing is happening here… I Don’t know if this is recent or what. What I can tell is that this 100% is not a graphics issue, and I’m sure it’s a Roblox issue. Tried restarting the computer, and re-installing roblox studio… No fix!


Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket filed and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Could you disable all your plugins? Does the issue persist with them disabled?

I am having the same problem. Lots of lag and slow frame rate when hit Play with just the basic Baseplate project. This just started happening recently.

I have been running all my plugins for a long time without any issues. So if it is a plugin problem, maybe it is due to some internal changes to widgets or docking, etc which Robox made recently?

One of my plugins is affected by this new bug. The plugin has not had any changes in code for months, so the problem was definitely introduced by Roblox in a recent update.
@tnavarts I sent you a personal message with the details.

Is this still happening? If so could you include a microprofiler report or 2 showing both toolbox open and toolbox closed?