Hey, I’m going ask here since I cant make a post, but I’m having this issue in Roblox studio, my flatten tool is suddenly not working properly, it is stuck on -1 level and even when I change the level on fixed plane, it wont work at all and will stay at -1.
I tried re installing and resetting all studio settings, I am still having the issue. If someone reads this and can help, I would really appreciate it.
I don’t know if this shows it too well, but usually the circle is supposed to just go to the level its on not under stuck at this -1.
Just restart studio and it should fix itself. If not then it’s a bug.
I tried that, it was happening for about a week, and I even used a alt as well and same issue happened, I had to go use my sisters laptop for a while because it would work normally on it, then after a while I decided to check my laptop studio again it works now, so yea a bug, I did re install and re log in at the time too to see if that would work.