wanna know how much time ur wasting on this site? too lazy to find out?
Description says it puts the numbervalue in ServerStorage, couldn’t you save that to the plugin?
Could I? I have no clue lol
It works tho
Does it count hours just in one place or all studio places? That’s what I mean
Just one count for each place
This is the code in case u wanna edit:
local value = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild("Studio Hours")
if not value then
value = Instance.new("NumberValue",game.ServerStorage)
value.Name = "Studio Hours"
while true do
local dt = wait(1)
value.Value = value.Value + dt/(60^2)
local duplicate
for _,child in pairs(game.ServerStorage:GetChildren()) do
if child.Name == "Studio Hours" then
if duplicate then
duplicate.Value = duplicate.Value + child.Value
duplicate = child
You could use the :SetSetting() function on this wiki page to save the number when you leave (or autosave every so often I guess) to count the total hours overall with this plugin active.
t y
Are you planning on adding the total hours idea suggested by Lightlimn? And if so, are you going to create a different way to display the hours other than inserting something into the game?
I think a little gui label or widget would be neater (I’d rather not have it add something in ServerStorage to my games and teamcreates).
In the near future perhaps, I’m really busy rn trying to get a project done before summer break ends