Studio instantly quits without saving after update popup

Currently, if you press enter to accept a studio update notification (The one that sometimes appears in the upper right corner of your active studio session), it will instantly quit the studio window without saving. (In a non-team-create place)

This happened completely by accident today while I was trying to type something. The notification appeared right at the moment I pressed enter on my keyboard, which instantly quit the studio window without saving. Luckily this only erased about 10 minutes of progress.

This happened on Windows 11 but I can’t tell which exact studio build it was. After the automatic update I’m now at following build:

Enabled beta features:

  • Notched screen support
  • Notification overhaul
  • Upgrade shorelines

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi Panwellz, that’s certainly an OOF on losing your work, sorry that happened to you. One question on this - the update notification generally requires an explicit “click” to activate the dialog before you accept/deny the upgrade (after which it will terminate everything studio related if you accept yes). Is it possible you had been enrolled in a special channel prior to this? Just trying to identify which update flow we’re dealing with here.

Hi, I don’t think I’m enrolled in any closed betas if that’s what you mean. I’m only enrolled in the publicly available ones I listed in the post.

Ok, doesn’t sound like its the “channel update” flow, which does pop up on channel updates. You would have been contacted specifically by someone at Roblox to enroll you in this. Can you describe the contents of the update box? Just trying to figure out which flow we’re dealing with.

This was the popup I saw. I believe I was editing something in the properties widget and pressed enter just as this appeared.


Ok, thanks. We’re looking at the focus status of that popup. It should not take focus when it comes up.

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Hi - it looks like the state of the popup is non-focused when it is displayed, and we tried forcing the issue to see if we could reproduce what you saw. I’m wondering if there’s something else going on here, but without a reliable repro there’s not a ton of progress we can make. The other thing that concerns me was the fact that autosave wasn’t engaged before your restart, but I’d need more details on the specific there to understand.