Studio is literally a pain to use lately because of unexplainable lag

recently got a new computer and it works so much better than my old laptop, (which ran studio well), like it runs games way better (roblox at 240 fps) and i get absolutely no lag at all, but for some reason, on studio, the whole thing is super laggy. My camera moves super slowly, my camera jitters, its a pain in the a$$ to use basically. Sometimes, at random moments, it stops lagging, and its super smooth, but at the second i tab out or do something other than moving and duplicating objects, it lags again. I know no one has a fix for this, but i wanted to know if anyone has the same problem and if its just a buggy update or something.

I know you cant really see the jitter well on this video, but its much worse than it looks like.


do you have a nvidia gpu? u might have g-sync enabled

i do have an nvidia gpu, and i heard about gsync, but i dont know what it is. How do i turn it off?

right click on ur desktop, if u dont see nvidia control panel then click more options and it’ll be there.

when nivida control panel is open, you will see a list on the side and you’ll see set up g-sync

make sure it is unchecked, u can enable it again when u play games tho


i dont see it, or am i just being stupid

you probably don’t have a gsync monitor, prob shouldve asked that before, onto the next possibility

are your graphics drivers up to date?

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im pretty sure they’re up to date. Last time i checked they were and it was still laggy.

have you tried reinstalling roblox studio completely by removing it from AppData in your file explorer? Win + R type %appdata%, then Local then Roblox

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ive uninstalled it by using the “installed apps” thing in the search bar, but i’ll try removing the file in appdata instead

let me know if it does anything

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Sadly, its still the same… still super laggy

let me think for a second and ill get back to u

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maybe mess around with these settings?

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ok i fixed it, i dont know how it worked but i just changed my monitor’s refresh rate and now its not lagging anymore. I dont why this happened, even though the other games looked good before i changed it. Thanks for the help anyways, tho.