It’s annoying me and my ocd guys. Help me.
I’m going crazy!
I agree, it gets quite annoying! You always have to budge the camera a bit before you want to do anything in order for the mouse to be exactly where you’re pointing.
I was having such a hard time building, anytime I wanted to click on the resize dot things, it’d always click behind it.
I am having the same issue. It is VERY frustrating.
I’m just sitting here making a map for my game and I’m dying a little on the inside when I try to click one thing and it clicks something else.
That moment when “something else” also then gets dragged.
[quote] This video demonstrates the bug in action. See if you can reproduce it. [/quote]
That explains why it doesn’t affect me; I right click everywhere pretty much.
[quote] This video demonstrates the bug in action. See if you can reproduce it. [/quote]
Took a few tries but that worked.
Though when I was building yesterday, I actually found a different way of triggering it.
Thanks for this 100% repro! This is a fairly old Studio bug that we have heard about but did not have steps to reproduce. It may have been aggravated by the recent fix to the random crashes that has also plagued Studio for a long time. Sometimes you trade a major demon for a lesser one. Unlike the random crashes, 100% reproducible means 100% fixable and we are working on a fix to be released in a patch shortly.
Great to hear, although I actually would say the random crashes were okay to deal with, this just makes studio pretty much useless altogether, especially when it keeps happening.
I found that this was fixed by wiping my versions folder and re-installing
[quote] I found that this was fixed by wiping my versions folder and re-installing
(shrugs) [/quote]
The repro is a little tricky and only happens on Windows when clicking fast enough, but we’re able to consistently reproduce it and are working on a fix.
I wondered why I kept moving things when i was trying to resize or rotate.
lol i thought it was my computer.
Interesting, never knew this existed, but I’v had a similar issue, when useing the mouse ViewSize, it ignores the chat box on the bottom of the screen as part of the view port, offsetting calculations for the centre of the screen by about 5 pixels, which produced aggrevating results in a FPS I’m making, not sure if the AbsoluteSize of a gui is affected by this as well, but the centre via viewport calculations is not where the centre is according to the mouse lock to centre you do for first person cameras
I’ve heard reports that this also happens on mac Roblox
[quote=“gkku” post=21479][/quote]
Little off topic here - what do you use to make those gif files?