Studio issue when changing brickcolour and / or material

Once I change a parts brick colour or material, Roblox decides to crash on me.
I might add that this has occurred after I uninstalled some plugins, however reinstalling Roblox hasn’t done anything to solve this issue.
Thank you for reading, and apologies if this is under the wrong section as It doesn’t allow me to post under Studio bugs.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

Have you tried making a new game, like trying it on a empty base plate? If that does not fix the bug then you may just have to wait for a bug patch. I’ve seen others talk about the same issue here so I presume its a common bug though I haven’t ran into the issue yet.

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Thanks for the suggestion, however it still doesn’t work lol.
I’m just going to go ahead and say it’s probably a fault with Roblox Studio.

I have figured it out,
To fix this, you need to create a new account, and build the game on there instead, then import it to your main account.
It’s a lot of hassle however it’s the only thing I’ve found to work at the moment.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Edit: It also seems after doing this, I can go back onto my main account on Studio and the issue is no longer present.

UPDATE: After restarting my computer, the issue has once again reappeared, and what I thought was a solution not longer works. I ended up having to factory reset my computer to fix the issue. I apologise for the misguidance from my ‘solution’.

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