This has been happening on my Windows server since last week and it is continuing after the latest build.
System specs: Intel core i5-10600KF, 16GB memory
Even with every plugin disabled this issue does not fix.
This has been happening on my Windows server since last week and it is continuing after the latest build.
System specs: Intel core i5-10600KF, 16GB memory
Even with every plugin disabled this issue does not fix.
Turning off new studio does not fix this btw
Edit: turning off “load plugins at runtime” stopped the hang, this is probably the result of a bad internal plugin
Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.
Can you be explicit about the type and frequency of hang? The video shows the busy wheel both during opening the place and then hitting the play solo button. Your follow up message indicates that “turning off 'load plugins at runtime” stopped the hang. Does that mean both the open place hang and the play solo hang. Also, what setting did you enable/disable exactly? We have the
Studio->Test->Load All Built-in Plugins in Test Mode
Studio->Test->Load User Plugins In Test Mode
Do you mean those? What values are you using?
I ask because those would have no effect on the open place hang, as they only control plugin loading after you hit the “Play Solo” button.
Can you also try on a fresh baseplate (just to be sure), and disable all Betas and see if that has an effect?
Turning both of these off fixed the hang when I start a play solo.
I’ll try disabling betas soon but that is just a baseplate with a couple of scripts in it, nothing which should be harmful. If it helps I can share the game ID.
Edit: just reproduced it on a baseplate too. I’m not home so I can’t effectively do stuff from my laptop, so testing the betas will have to wait.
Thanks,. And assuming you could leave “Load User Plugins In Test Mode” on and turn off the built in and still see the play solo hang solved? Also what version of Windows are you running?
Yes, here is a demonstration (apologies for the laggy cursor i’m remoted into the server over remote access) Watch 2025-01-24 14-13-56 | Streamable
One thing to try - can you enable built in plugins so it repeats the issue, then enable microprofiler as per these instructions?
Also, if you can restart studio can capture a log from opening/play solo that would help as well.
You can DM results to me.
Just sent both the profiler dump and log.
Hey apologies, we’ve been trying to look at the data and reproduce locally but are having trouble doing so.
Reading back through the thread, and checking your logs/pics again - you said the option on not loading the plugins made it work. I’m wondering if you tried disabling any betas? Specifically the NextGenStudio Beta. Does turning that off and keeping plugin loading off still exhibit the issue?
I’m also wondering (and you may have tried this) if this could be something with a corrupted install. You said this was localized to a single machine? Could you try completely uninstalling Studio and reinstalling?
Yes, it still happens with next-gen Studio off.
I just reinstalled and opened it again, the freeze still happens.
I’m not able to test on my primary machine because it has Linux and I am not able to log into it.
New reply for better visibility, but the freeze happens with every single beta feature disabled. I’m sorta at a loss here.
Ok, very clear from the latest video. Does the hang happen more than once after opening the file? How frequently if so?
No, once I open the place and it happens, it does not happen again until I open a place again.
Can you give me a log from just the case you showed in the video - opening an place and then moving the camera to demonstrate the hang? Close application after.
It’s probably hidden by default. You can reenable from Finder options.
I don’t know what changed, but this launch the duration it froze was way shorter.
0.659.0.6590474_20250211T013154Z_Studio_9291A_last.log (292.3 KB)