OK thanks for the additional info! I’ll pass the comment along about performance.
Please let me know if you’re seeing frequent layout resets or unexpected layouts with the updated docking.
OK thanks for the additional info! I’ll pass the comment along about performance.
Please let me know if you’re seeing frequent layout resets or unexpected layouts with the updated docking.
The toolbox and terrain editor are open very often when I always close then (but they come back). Micro profiler is pretty much always open as well when I start studio, and the asset manager just disappears, and I have insert it back where it belongs when I want to use it
I have the new docking beta enabled, but I don’t think it’s related, as I’ve had issues with this for years (probably since late 2020/2021 when I started developing), and that was on a different computer
Oh yeah, and for some time now, scripts never stay, always have to reopen them (though this was maybe caused by the memory errors my computer got?). EDIT, this was caused by the faster join times beta
Hello again, just wanted to let you know that I found a bug that causes Studio to crash, and completely close without any error whatsoever.
When Studio does an auto-save recovery file every 5 minutes, the moment you move a window to dock, and while it is auto-saving, it crashes and closes with no error, and when you are in Team Create mode, it really is quite worrying when that happens.
Also about the resetting problem, at this point I have given up putting the windows in my desired places, because the windows always reset to where Studio wants them anyway.
Hope you and the team consider this and try and sort something out about it, hope this helps!
Thanks for the info! We have two major crash fixes coming this week for the new docking Beta. The devs seem to think it will resolve yours as well. Once this week’s release is out, we’ll flip the flags to turn on those fixes. If everything goes well, it would be Wednesday afternoon.
Desperately need this feature - I have the new docking beta enabled and still encounter issues with my layouts not saving when I close a place or close studio. I’m shocked that it’s been close to 10 years since this suggestion was made and people still have to deal with this problem.