Studio lighting/shadows bug (Entire level turns dark)

Level download:

Camera CFrame where glitch is apparent:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =, 2.76304984, 525.483032, 0.943523765, 0.187461615, 0.273168683, -0, 0.824523389, -0.565827906, -0.331304997, 0.533872068, 0.77795732)

Camera CFrame where glitch is not apparent:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =, 4.07885361, 525.825256, 0.95313251, -0.0278886929, 0.30126518, -0, 0.995742679, 0.0921777934, -0.302553266, -0.0878576487, 0.949074626)

Video of bug:

PC Specs:
Intel i5-6600K
AMD Radeon 7970 DCII-Top
8gb DDR4 @2600MHz
Samsung EVO850 500gb SSD

I’ve tried reinstalling roblox and my AMD drivers are the latest stable ones.

I was able to reproduce as well with the on-board GPU that Intel provides, so it isn’t just you.

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I tried it and im getting the same issue too. Just wanna mention that the place was slightly jittery for me (like a lag in graphics)

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Wow. This is the logic of centering the lighting grid in absence of a character going completely nuts. I’ll take a look, thanks for the repro.

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Was this already fixed?
I am still getting this to happen

New repro if a fix was shipped and this is something new:


workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =, 5.37519026, 583.489624, 0.489915997, -0.597492158, 0.634811342, -1.49011612e-008, 0.728187025, 0.685378492, -0.871769667, -0.335777879, 0.356750458)

no glitch:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame =, 5.18605328, 583.566162, 0.489607394, -0.515153527, 0.703492403, 1.49011594e-008, 0.806810021, 0.590811074, -0.871942937, -0.289265484, 0.395020187)