Studio Lite Tips and FAQ

Studio Lite lets you build, script and publish games just like Roblox Studio, but simpler and mobile friendly!

This is a collection of Tips and solutions to Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Publishing - create an API-key :

To publish your Studio Lite game to your Roblox profile, there are a few one-time steps to create an API key. When you FILE, Save… your game, checkmark (:heavy_check_mark:) the Publish checkbox, and Save. The “Help” button on the Publish screen will show these 11 steps.

If your game’s name and description don’t appear on your published game, you might have missed something in step 9 above.

2. Can't paste API key :

Pasting the API key works on mobile for most people. Some keyboard apps on mobile move your screen too far up to paste. If that happens, turn your screen the tall way to see and paste the key.

3. All Ages :

You can improve your published game’s visibility by completing Roblox’s Audience Questionnaire in the Creator Hub. On mobile tap More (. . .) then Create (</>), tap your game, then tap the “☰” and find Audience, Questionnaire. Based on your answers, you might get the “All Ages” rating so everyone can see it.

4. No Undo :

Be sure to save your work often (every 10 minutes) just in case of a power or internet failure, or something else bad happens. And save a backup copy to a second game position. Then only “Publish” when you have a good working version of your game.

5. Spawn any model from the Roblox catalog (store) :

You can spawn and position any model or mesh from Note this will error in Play mode, but works in the published game.
(1) Find the model you want at and press “Get Model” to add it to your inventory.
(2) Copy the model’s asset_Id number from the store address bar between slashes (something like store/asset/123456/).
(3) Place this script in ServerScriptService with the asset you copied:

local a = game.InsertService:LoadAsset(123456)  --replace with asset_Id.
a.Parent = workspace 
a:PivotTo(,5,70) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0))  --First CFrame is position, second is rotation.
6. Make a walking NPC (R15) that looks like anyone :

Insert either a soldier or zombie depending on the walking animation you want. Delete the script inside it called NPC or zNPC. And put this script inside the model:

local h = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid") 
local hd = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(312736171)   --Anyone's UserId.  This is a Tiger avatar.
while true do 
      h.WalkToPoint =,0,10) 
      h.WalkToPoint =,0,-10) 
7. Animation: Make all players walk like Zombies :

Replace the player’s animation with any animation codes shown at the end of this document: Using Animations | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub Put this Script (not local) in StarterCharacterScripts. Or put it in a Zombie model to make them walk Stylish (change the numbers according to the link above):

local animateScript = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Animate") = "rbxassetid://616163682"
animateScript.walk.WalkAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://616168032"
animateScript.idle.Animation1.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://616158929"
animateScript.idle.Animation2.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://616160636"
if animateScript.idle:FindFirstChild("Animation3") then
    animateScript.idle.Animation3.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://885545458"
8. Output window of any published game :

You can see the Output window of any published game on Roblox by chatting “/console”. It’s a good way to check for script errors in a live game. Anyone can see Client messages, but only the creator can see Server messages.

9. Alt Keyboard :

A common problem can happen if you use the Alt Keyboard (your device’s keyboard instead of the small blue keyboard). Your device’s keyboard probably has autocorrect. That can cause problems for scripts. For example, if you want “local abc = game.Workspace” most autocorrects will insert a space after the period, or they might capitalize the first word in the sentence. Another easy mistake is in an “if” statement, if you want to compare something for equal, use ==.

10. Too many models :

If you reach the 4MB limit in your game, and you have many copies of the same model (like Zombies for example), then you can reduce your game storage size by having just one Zombie in Workspace and use this script in ServerScriptService to clone and reposition it multiple times when your game starts:

local z=workspace:WaitForChild("Zombie") 
for i=1,20 do 
    local zz=z:Clone() 
11. Badges :

Badges docs with sample scripts you can copy and paste: Badges | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
The Badge Service will cause an Error in the Studio Lite Play/test mode, but should work fine in your published game.

12. Gamepasses :

Gamepass docs with sample script you can copy and paste: Passes | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Your Gamepasses will not be accessible while Play/testing in Studio Lite, but should work fine in your published game.

13. Welds :

To weld two parts together, first make sure the parts have unique names (like PartA and PartB). Then insert a WeldConstraint inside one of them. Next you need to set two properties of the weld constraint: Part0 and Part1. Tap the Part0 property value (the blank area), and in Explorer tap the first part you want included in the weld (PartA for example). Its name will show up in the weld constraint Part0 property. Then do the same with the Part1 property value and PartB.

14. HD Admin or similar scripts :

To get HD Admin in your published game (won’t work Play/testing in Studio Lite): First find it in the Roblox Store
and tap “Get Model” to add it to your inventory. Then make a Script in ServerScriptService and paste:
game.InsertService:LoadAsset(857927023).Parent = workspace

15. Sample Cutscene :

Works in Play/test mode and Published. Paste this into a LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts. Experiment with different target position and rotation numbers.

local cam=workspace.CurrentCamera
local ts=game:GetService("TweenService")
local tween=ts:Create(cam,,{CFrame=target})
16. Morph :

You can find some morph models here and insert them using Tip#5 above.
OR. . . Morph to the avatar of any Player’s UserId by placing this script into an anchored Part that represents where the avatar will appear. To find a player’s UserId, you can view their Roblox profile using a browser (instead of the app). The UserId will be a number in the URL at the top of the browser. For example: ScottSpiritWalker - Roblox

--MORPH to a UserId appearance with Proximity Prompt.
--Place this script into an anchored Part that represents where the avatar will appear.
local morphPos = script.Parent
local hd = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(312736171)   --Anyone's UserId.  This is a Tiger avatar.
local model = game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(hd, Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) 
model:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Anchored = true
model.Parent = workspace
model.Name = "Morph"
local pp ="ProximityPrompt")
pp.ActionText = "Morph"
pp.Parent = model
    local newAvatar = model:Clone()
    local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
    for _,j in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
        if j.ClassName == "Tool" or j:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then
            j.Parent = newAvatar
    newAvatar.Name = player.Name 
    player.Character = newAvatar 
    newAvatar.Parent = workspace
    newAvatar:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Anchored = false
morphPos.Transparency = 1
morphPos.CanCollide = false
17. Accessories :

Here is an example of how to add accessories to players, glasses in this case. You just need the accessory assetId. You don’t have to have it in your inventory. Works in Play/test mode and Published. Layered clothing requires a few more variables. More info here: Character Appearance | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

--ProximityGiveGlassesScript  - When a player walks near this script's      --
--     parent part, they will be prompted to get/remove a glasses accessory.--
local pp ="ProximityPrompt")
pp.ActionText = "Glasses On/Off"
pp.Parent = script.Parent
    if player and player.Character then
        local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
        if h then
            local desc = h:GetAppliedDescription()
            -- Multiple face accessory assets are allowed in a comma-separated string
            local cnt = 0
            desc.FaceAccessory, cnt = desc.FaceAccessory:gsub("2535420239","")   --already equipped? remove it.
            if cnt == 0 then
                desc.FaceAccessory = desc.FaceAccessory .. ",2535420239"         --not equipped? add it.
18. Terrain :

We hope to add a terrain editor in the future. But, in the meantime, you can build terrain with script.

workspace.Terrain:Clear()  --Clear terrain, then fill a position and size with a material.
workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(,0,20),,6,20), Enum.Material.Water)
workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(,0,20),,6,20), Enum.Material.Grass)

More info: Terrain | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


How do I create a new experience on my phone? I don’t have a create button


Currently there is no way to create a new Experience on mobile. It might be possible in the future as Roblox continues to improve their Open Cloud API. Options: You can borrow a friend’s PC and use Roblox Studio to create a few new public places. Then, back on mobile, make keys for them. Or, Make a second Roblox Account on mobile. New accounts have a public starting place you can use.


thanks now add animation editor plz


Pls Help How Can I Transfer My Game Data To Community (Roblox Group) Please Answer


I have not tried it, but here is the latest news from Roblox: [Beta] Transfer Experiences to Groups & Track Group Activity

Currently, Studio Lite can only publish to public experiences on your profile. So, once you transfer it, you will need a new public experience in your profile for Studio Lite to publish to.

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Tysm It’s Worked But I Need Transfer Again To My Account Or I Can’t Update Also Thanks

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how do u get the LocalPlayer?
When I try to do

local plr=game.Players.LocalPlayer

It just errors.

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Hi teamrcrablolxqqq. That only works in a LocalScript. If you put that line in a script it will error. Try copying your script with your “AltKeyboard” then use the blue-plus to insert a “LocalScript”, and paste it there (and delete the old Script). Note that LocalScript only runs in certain places like a Tool, Gui or most often: StarterPlayer → StarterCharacterScripts.


Hey ScottSpiritWalker What’s 4MB Limit? is It Parts Gui Script Limit Or Models Or Something Other?
Please Answer If You Can

When are you gonna make it so you could insert models? (technically the published game isn’t in your game so you could add it)

Hi ismayilaz04YTB. The 4MB limit includes everything in Explorer at the time that you save the game. So that is Workspace, ServerStorage, StarterPack, StarterGui, and the rest. You might have seen Bruce’s replay in the “Studio Lite Official Group” showing that 11,000 parts is close to the limit for a saved game. But you can use script to clone or generate more instances of any type at runtime. Scripts are only limited by the server memory (about 6GB) and the player’s device memory (which can very).

Hi DYKJ441doyouknowjasher441. You can insert any model in your published game using Tip#5 above. The problem is inserting a model into Studio Lite Play/test mode. If a model contains scripts, I have no way to screen the scripts to ensure they are not malicious. The other problem is Unions. Currently Roblox does not provide a way to “Separate” unions so there is no way to serialize them so you can edit them and save them as part of your game in a DataStore. But, I have not given up on finding a compromise that will make it easier to see what the model would look like in Studio Lite (without scripts), then insert the actual model in the published version of your game (similar to Tip#5). Hoping to do something like that in the future.